
diàn yǔ
  • temple;palace;sanctuary;palace hall
殿宇 [diàn yǔ]
  • [palace;temple;hall building] 雄伟的宫殿建筑

  1. 只要你进到了那冥冥的殿宇,这就够了。

    It is enough that you enter the temple invisible .

  2. 你的日常生活,就是你的殿宇,你的宗教。

    Your daily life is your temple and your religion .

  3. 山上殿宇林立,碑碣夹道,亭阁曲廊,绿树掩映。

    Many temples on the mountain , stele , Qulang Pavilion , shade trees .

  4. 却是所罗门为神造成殿宇。

    But it was Solomon who built the house for him .

  5. 我帮你拾掇三楼后房。层楼叠阁,殿宇三重。

    I helped you lay out the third floor , back .

  6. 紫禁城内的殿宇,金碧辉煌,异常雄伟。

    Palaces within the forbidden City are grand and resplendent .

  7. 所罗门建造殿宇。

    So Solomon built the temple and completed it .

  8. 耶稣对他们说,你们不是看见这殿宇吗。

    And Jesus said unto them , see ye not all these things ?

  9. 因为殿宇的支柱总是彼此分立的

    For the pillars of the temple stand apart

  10. 它也是全国最大的木结构殿宇。

    It is also the largest hall in the country constructed entirely of wood .

  11. 耶稣,不朽的殿宇,给我庇护。

    Jesus , Eternal Temple , shelter me !

  12. 却由所罗门为神建造殿宇。

    But Solomon built him a house .

  13. 但至高者本不住在人手所建造的殿宇中:正如先知说。

    Yet the most High dwelleth not in houses made by hands , as the prophet saith .

  14. 当这座殿宇还是一堆废墟时,难道为你们就到了住在有天花板的房屋的时候?

    Is it time for you to dwell in ceiled houses , and this house lie desolate ?

  15. 我已经建造殿宇作你的居所,为你永远的住处。

    I have indeed built a magnificent temple for you , a place for you to dwell forever .

  16. 而殿宇的隅石并不高于那最底层的基石。

    And that the corner-stone of the temple is not higher than the lowest stone in its foundation .

  17. 且修筑祭坛、殿宇和寺庙,供奉偶像,宰杀猪和不洁的牲畜作祭献。

    And should forbid holocausts and sacrifices , and atonements to be made in the temple of God .

  18. 大卫王就站起来,说,我的弟兄,我的百姓阿,你们当听我言,我心里本想建造殿宇,安放耶和华的约柜,作为我神的脚凳。

    King David rose to his feet and said : 'Listen to me , my brothers and my people .

  19. 我所要建造的殿宇甚大;因为我们的神至大,超乎诸神。

    The house that I am to build will be great , for our God is greater than all gods .

  20. 我是谁?能为他建造殿宇吗?不过在他面前烧香而已。

    Who am I to build a house for him , except as a place to make offerings before him ?

  21. 这样,可以给我预备许多的木料,因我要建造的殿宇高大出奇。

    9 to provide me with plenty of lumber , because the temple I build must be large and magnificent .

  22. 所罗门定意要为耶和华的名建造殿宇、为自己的国建造宫室。

    Solomon gave orders to build a temple for the Name of the LORD and a royal palace for himself .

  23. 5大卫召了他儿子所罗门来,嘱咐他给耶和华以色列的神建造殿宇。

    Then he called for Solomon his son and commanded him to build a house for Jehovah the God of israel .

  24. 他必为我的名建造殿宇。我必坚定他的国位,直到永远。

    He shall build an house for my name , and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever .

  25. 他对我说,这朝南的屋子是为看守殿宇的祭司。

    He said to me ," The room facing south is for the priests who have charge of the temple " .

  26. 天和天上的天,尚且不足他居住的,谁能为他建造殿宇呢?我是谁。

    But who is able to build a temple for him , since the heavens , even the highest heavens , cannot contain him ?

  27. 你去告诉我仆人大卫,说耶和华如此说,你岂可建造殿宇给我居住呢。

    Go and tell my servant David , Thus saith the LORD , Shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in ?

  28. 各个殿宇气势宏伟,各尊佛像法相庄严,让所有前来朝拜的人们都肃然起敬。

    Each palace is imposing and each figure of Buddha is stately in their appearances , which enables everyone worshiping to feel deep respect .

  29. 你当谨慎,因耶和华拣选你建造殿宇作为圣所。你当刚强去行。

    Take heed now ; for the LORD hath chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary : be strong , and do it .

  30. 在271英尺蒙马特山顶的殿宇上赏识到的景色是绝美的,圣心殿是排在埃菲尔铁塔之后第二高的不雅鉴赏点。

    The view at the top of the dome is excellent 271 feet above Montmartre Hill and is the second-highest viewpoint after the Eiffel Tower .