
kù lì
  • oppressive (feudal) official;ruthless official
酷吏 [kù lì]
  • [merciless official] 用残酷的方法进行统治的官吏

  1. 对于酷吏,司马迁表现出一种复杂态度。

    Si Ma-qian has a complicated attitude toward the oppressive officials .

  2. 《酷吏列传》为我们展现了西汉时期酷吏的成败人生。

    " The Biographies of the Merciless Officials " presents us with the merciless officials'success and failure in their life .

  3. 二十四史《循吏》、《酷吏》列传与中国古代监察官的选任

    Biographies of Fine and Cruel Officials in the Twenty-Fo ur Histories and the Selection of Supervisory Officials in Ancient China

  4. 试论武周时期的酷吏

    On Oppressive officials of Wuzhou Period An Investigation of the Morphology of Newly-built Words of the Wu 's Zhou Dynasty

  5. 站在历史的角度来做客观评价,我认为酷吏这个群体虽然从理想的角度看并不完美,但从现实的角度看,却又属必需。

    From the historical angle , I think although oppressive officials is not perfect from an ideal point of view , it is necessary from the realistic perspective .

  6. 武则天是个铁腕人物,她为了打击政敌,巩固地位,不惜重用酷吏,制造冤狱,但这并不能说明她生性残忍,“阴鸷好杀”。

    Wu Ze Tian was a powerful person , she put oppressive officials in very important positions in order to consolidate her political power , but this didn 't indicate she was cruel .

  7. 所以本文截取武周这一特殊时期,从酷吏与其司法行为的角度来分析武周酷吏的司法行为方式与特征以及其存在的价值与作用。

    So this paper interceptes a special period which is called Wu-chou , analyzes Wu-chou oppressive officials ' judicial behavior , characteristics and its existing value and function from the angle of oppressive officials its judicial act .

  8. 文化上,推动科举的发展,但在取士授官上,严把才德关,防止奸佞之人混入官僚队伍,所以对那些诬告他人的奸人酷吏,进行严厉的惩罚和贬黜。

    On culture , he impulsed the development imperial examination and was strict with the abilities and morals of the talents avoiding the interfusion of crafty sycophants to bureaucracy when he chose scholars as officials and awarded officers .

  9. 自从芥川看到现实中国的那一刻起,他就已经明白,这个外遭帝国主义列强的欺侮,内受酷吏的盘剥的国家已远非自己心目中的桃源之乡。

    Since he saw the reality of China , he had been clear that the nation which was bullied and humiliated by imperialist powers and exploited by cruel officials was far from the ideal world in his mind .