
  • 网络Eurex;ICE Futures Europe;Eurex Exchange
  1. 要获得这项服务,交易必须返回在欧洲期货交易所拥有结算权的银行。

    For that service , trades must be routed back through a bank with clearing rights at Eurex .

  2. 尽管如此,直接与之相连的欧洲期货交易所顾客,仍然需要银行和风险控制功能,而交易所还不具备提供这些服务的条件。

    Still , Eurex customers that link to it directly remain in need of banking and risk control functions that exchanges are not yet equipped to offer .

  3. 伦敦ice欧洲期货交易所(icefutureseurope)表示,它正与业内人士进行磋商。

    The London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange says it is consulting with the industry .

  4. 在作为基准的西德克萨斯中质油(westtexasintermediate)合约的全部期货交易里,约有15%的交易是在ice欧洲期货交易所发生。

    About 15 per cent of all futures trading on the benchmark West Texas Intermediate contract takes place on ICE Futures Europe .

  5. 此次交易的主要问题在于两家交易所的衍生品交易所业务—德交所的欧洲期货交易所和纽交所的伦敦国际金融期货交易所,两者瓜分了欧洲期权期货交易95%的市场份额。

    In this case the concern is that the exchanges " derivatives businesses - DB 's Eurex and NYSE Euronext 's Liffe - would share over 95 % of European trading for some assets .

  6. 纽交所拥有位于欧洲的强大衍生品平台Liffe,而德交所拥有欧洲期货交易所(Eurex)的一半股权,后者是全球最大的衍生品交易所,也以欧洲交易为主。

    The NYSE owns LIFFE , a powerful derivatives platform based in Europe , while the German exchange owns half of Eurex , the largest derivatives exchange in the world , which also focuses on European trades .