
  • 网络Sub debt Subordinated debt;Sub debtnbspSubordinated debt
  1. 资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计:为国际金融资本挖掘了坟墓

    Speculation of Financial Resource and Delicate Design of Subprime CDO : the Grave for the International Financial Capital

  2. 资产证券化与美国次债危机的法律思考

    Reflections on Securitization and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the US from a Legal Perspective

  3. 金融衍生品的本质特征及其监管制度&以美国次债为分析视角

    Intrinsic Characteristics of Financial Derivatives and Supervision System : A perspective from American Subprime Mortgage Loan

  4. 金融衍生产品发展与演变的再回顾及启示&基于美国次债危机的研究视角

    Retrospect and Inspiration on Financial Derivatives Development and Evolution & Based on Research Perspective of Subprime Mortgage Crisis

  5. 美国次债危机的根源也必然是美国经济自身危机因素累积的结果。

    The subprime mortgage crisis of America is the result of risk factors accumulated in the American economy itself .

  6. 金融风险一直是业界关心的问题,尤其在2009年由美国次债引起的经济危机依然肆虐的背景下,关注和研究金融风险就显得特别重要。

    Financial risk is a key subject in financial industry , especially under economic crisis caused by the US subprime .

  7. 他通过模型分析了次债泡沫的破裂并坚称联储有能力应付房价下跌的负面影响。

    Instead , he ran through simulations on the mortgage implosion and insisted that the Fed could contain the fallout .

  8. 次债危机发生后,市场普遍预计美元会大跌,但实际上根本没跌。

    When the subprime-mortgage crisis hit , it was widely forecast that the greenback would tank , but that never happened .

  9. 2007年美国次债危机暴发并引发全球金融动荡,对实体经济产生了重大的影响。

    Subprime crisis broke out in 2007 and had triggered financial instability . It had a significant impact on the economy .

  10. 学员们今年还要考虑另一个问题&次债危机使学生贷款很难申请。

    Also a factor for students to consider this year : The credit crunch has roiled the market for student loans .

  11. 相反,可以说,正是美国次债的过度证券化出乎意料地引爆了当前的偿付危机。

    Instead , arguably , it was the excess securitisation of US subprime mortgages that unexpectedly set off the current solvency crisis .

  12. 我们预计近期对于次债问题的担忧仍然会给金融市场带来相当大的波动。

    We expect concerns over the sub prime mortgages to continue to cause significant volatility in financial markets in the near term .

  13. 在美国次债危机的影响下,全球经济经历严重衰退阶段。

    In the influence of crisis of American sub debt ( Subordinated debt ), global economy has been into the severe recession .

  14. 然而次债问题引发的金融市场波动预示着欧洲股市短期有可能表现疲软。

    However , turbulence in financial markets as a result of sub-prime related issues suggests potential short term softness in European Equity markets .

  15. 除中国外,该地区金融机构受抵押贷款证券(或者次债危机)的直接影响是有限的。

    Except for China , direct exposures of financial institutions in the region to mortgage-based securities ( or sub-prime crisis ) are limited .

  16. 这种贷款违约率的不断升高,首先表现为次债问题,之后便引发了一连串的连锁反应,其影响至今仍在不断扩散。

    The rise in defaults on such loans , first on subprime mortgages , triggered a chain of reactions whose consequences are still unfolding now .

  17. 与美国股市相似的是,更低的估值和次债问题的进一步明朗将对2008年下半年的股市产生积极影响。

    Similar to US equities , cheaper valuations and greater clarity on sub-prime issues should be positive for equity markets in the later half of2008 .

  18. 对冲基金的杠杆融资放大了次债市场的风险,同时造成了商业银行的很多坏账。

    Hedge funds ' leverage financing enlarged the risk in the subprime RMBS market and brought about simultaneously a lot of bad loans to commercial banks .

  19. 美国的次债危机外国居民的品牌意识下降,而中国居民的品牌意识从58%上升到70%。

    U.S. sub-prime debt crisis makes the brand awareness of foreign residents declined , while Chinese residents in brand awareness from 58 percent to 70 percent .

  20. 在日本泡沫经济时期、北欧国家银行危机和美国次债危机之前,都有过这种信贷扩张与资产价格膨胀的典型特征。

    The economic bubble in Japan , Nordic banking crisis and subprime debt crisis in USA were all accompanied with interaction of credit expansion and asset boom .

  21. 尽管建筑业,房地产和金融服务业就业下降,但整体就业在增长表明美国房地产业降温以及次债危机得到了控制。

    The overall jobs growth came even though employment fell in construction , real estate and financial services , suggesting the housing downturn and credit crisis so far remain contained .

  22. 高盛近期的一项预测表明,美国的银行存在价值5.7万亿美元的“问题”债务,比如次债和商业不动产。

    A recent estimate by Goldman Sachs suggests that American banks held some $ 5.7 trillion-worth of loans in " troubled " categories , such as subprime mortgages and commercial property .

  23. 由于次债风波的连锁反应,这批研究生毕业时,将面对一个完全不同的华尔街,就业市场可能很不乐观。

    When this year 's M.B.A.applicants graduate , they will enter a dramatically different Wall Street and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the ripple effects of the credit crunch .

  24. 2007年爆发的次债危机演变成眼下的全球金融危机,在这个过程中,人民币币值对世界主要货币的表现令人惊讶。

    The sub-prime lending crisis broke out in 2007 has already evolved into the present global financial crisis . In this process , RMB ` s performance against some global currencies is really surprising .

  25. 但到期次级债却能对银行构成切实约束,银行若无法展期债务,其规模就必须收缩10%,才能与未偿次债余额相匹配。

    Maturing sub debt , however , does discipline the bank and if the bank cannot roll over the debt , it must shrink by 10 per cent to live within its remaining outstanding sub debt .

  26. 随着《新巴塞尔协议》的推行以及由美国次债危机引发全球金融风暴所带来的反思,信用风险管理无疑已成为金融行业关注的核心问题之一。

    Along with the implementation of the Basel Accord and the reflection on the financial crisis bring about by sub-loan crisis of the United States , credit risk management has undoubtedly become the core issue of financial industry .

  27. 重要的教训是银行监管机构无法全面准确的进行预测,例如,次债是否会成为有毒资产,或某一笔特定的担保债务凭证是否违约,甚或某一金融体系是否会失灵。

    The important lesson is that bank regulators cannot fully or accurately forecast whether , for example , subprime mortgages will turn toxic , or a particular tranche of a collateralised debt obligation will default , or even if the financial system will seize up .

  28. 内地股市也由于高通胀、自然灾害、限售股解禁以及美国次债危机引起的全球金融市场的震荡等因素而大幅下挫。

    Domestic stock markets also went dowm a lot due to many unfavorable factors , such as high inflation , natural disaster , listing of floating shares with sales limit , gobal financial market volatility caused by credit crisis in United States and so on .