- 名Household assets;family assets

The Statistical Method of Family Assets in the United States and Relevant Analysis
Real estate prices have plummeted who interests ? Family assets or stock prices not ?
A loan secured by equity value in the borrower 's home .
But household balance sheets will not be rebuilt soon .
By selling critical household assets they may depend on for their livelihoods .
It takes time for a slump in household net worth to register fully .
How to distribute family assets provides important information for the study of investors'risk preferences .
With the increase in family assets , the decline in income elasticity increased asset flexibility .
First , develops the theoretical frame of household portfolio by incorporating financial intermediaries ' function .
Dollars . ( USD $ 4.500,000 ) which he deposited as a family asset with a security trust company .
A husband and wife are each given a number of points which they secretly allocate to household assets they desire .
The Fed told us recently that median household net worth collapsed an epic 39 per cent from 2007 to 2010 .
Urban Residents to Choose the Structure of Household Assets Empirical Study & Taking the Surver from Yangzhou in Jiangsu as a Case
One-quarter of the nation 's household assets sit in the postal system , which has been beset by on-off privatisation plans .
India is a society where men mostly control family financial resources . 75 % of women do not even have a bank account .
And falling hours plus sluggish wages mean a further drag on US consumption already constrained by debt-laden household balance sheets and tight credit .
Concretely , it also means that women are more likely to have a say in the use of household resources-including household spending on health .
LCW 's Design Center is an in-house technical assistance office which provides support to the real estate , family asset-building , and community organizing teams .
When household balance sheets are damaged by falling house prices and confidence is low , consumers may start repaying their debts regardless of the cost of borrowing .
And that 's great news for growth in household net worth , construction employment , gross domestic product , and perhaps most important , homeowner peace of mind .
Household income serves as the foundation of assets . The income differences between rural and urban resulted in the different choice of the amount and structure of the total assets .
Personal Finance is a distribution or management activities about personal or family assets . It purposes is to arrange living reasonable , achieve economic security , maintain and increase the value of assets .
As noted above , patterns of insurance coverage suggest a positive correlation with income-at least up to a point where the value of insurance begins to diminish relative to the value of overall household assets .
This is a dastardly plan . It is unlikely to prove popular with the over-60s , who make up a quarter of Japan 's population , but who control two-thirds of its vast household assets .
The rapid growth of household savings deposits , directly contributed to the rapid increase in household assets , and on this basis , and gradually formed a mass affluent class , but also the formation of high-end affluent .
But while he predicts overall economic activity will begin to turn upward by the end of the year , Bernanke said a weak labor market , declines in household equity and wealth , and tight credit conditions could slow recovery .
On the above-mentioned basis , this thesis suggests the value of household assets should be the standard of appraisal of rehabilitation of household economy after the relocation caused by construction of reservoir , and it also explores the appraisal procedures and approaches .
This article is trying to discuss the deeper reason on the issue of low income for Chinese residence and income gap from the distribution of the national income ( income distribution ), general income ( income flow ) and household wealth ( income stock ) .
I incline to the more benign view because of the size of household assets but , if the dollar 's reserve currency status should come under serious attack , rates would have to rise to defend it and that could itself cause a consumption crisis .
Meanwhile , a Federal Reserve survey showed us household net worth decreased 4.7 per cent in the third quarter , the fourth consecutive quarterly decline .