- 网络highly leveraged;high leverage

A deadly mix of falling prices and high leverage could foment a " debt-deflation " of the type first described by Irving Fisher , an American economist , in1933 .
The website allowed stock investors to trade on margin with borrowed funds , a practice that became prohibited following the stock market rout in June last year in order to prevent high leverage .
High levels of leverage help explain why stocks ran up so quickly over the past year .
Malfeasance resulting from high lever and information asymmetry will transfer the financing risks from investment projects to banks .
Several economists have argued convincingly , for instance , that low policy rates fuelled broader leverage growth in securitised markets .
The problem worsened last summer when the the two bear hedge funds collapsed on bad , highly leveraged mortgage bets .
The trend accelerated on both sides of the Atlantic last week as investors rushed to unwind highly leveraged positions in complex structured products .
Yet these models do not explain why the leash has to be wrapped around borrowers ' necks three dozen times , as in the case of a highly leveraged bank .
The large losses suffered by Chinese state companies were closely associated with the intentionally complex and highly leveraged products that were fraudulently peddled by international investment banks with evil intentions , Mr Li said .
The reason of liquidity reversal includes currency policy sharp fluctuations and other macro-economy factors , and the micro economy factors such as financial institutions rapid expansion and contraction on highly leverage ratio are also included .
The trend is striking since it shows that the credit crunch is starting to affect the financing plans of companies , not just in the highly leveraged sector but in the mainstream investment grade arena as well .
Think what the outstanding talents of the past decade might have achieved if they had been employed on more worthy tasks than highly leveraged mergers and acquisitions , or the pursuit of ( often illusory ) absolute returns .