- 名Ponzi scheme

As with Bernard Madoff 's Ponzi scheme , everything went well provided they continued to put money into the market .
Less than a month ago a short seller called Carson Block accused Sino Forest of being a Ponzi scheme that had overstated its assets and bamboozled investors with an opaque web of intermediaries .
KPMG will not be sued in a case involving the accountancy firm 's auditing of a'feeder fund'into confessed swindler Bernard Madoff 's ponzi scheme .
Today , Bernard Madoff , architect of the world 's biggest financial fraud , a $ 65bn Ponzi scheme that ruined thousands of investors , will learn his fate .
The bank also falsely claimed that it had no direct or indirect exposure to the $ 50bn Ponzi scheme allegedly perpetrated by Bernard Madoff , which came to light in December .
His lawyers requested that Mr Rajaratnam be detained at a medical facility in Butner , North Carolina the same location at which the Ponzi scheme creator Bernard Madoff is serving his 150-year sentence .
Just two months after the collapse of the Ponzi scheme run by Bernard L. Madoff in 2008 , another Ponzi schemer was arrested : James Nicholson , whose Time Warner condominium was frozen .
It also emerged that , contrary to Sir Allen 's assurances , at least $ 400,000 of SIB 's assets were exposed to Bernard Madoff , the US broker-dealer accused in December of perpetrating an alleged $ 50bn Ponzi scheme .
From being branded a fraudster to being accused of running a Ponzi scheme , Goel was " crucified " on the cross of cynicism .
The deal is the first big settlement for Irving Picard , the trustee , in his quest to get investment partners of Mr Madoff to return money they withdrew from his investment business before he confessed to running a Ponzi scheme .
In legal terms , it may have a defence , since a US court ruled in another case that a hedge fund advisory group was not liable for failing to spot a Ponzi scheme .
Thegovernment bond market is usually a Ponzi scheme .
What will happen to Tang and all investors of an alleged Ponzi scheme ?
Levels of welfare provision are unaffordable ; government finance is a huge Ponzi scheme .
Moreover , this public sector Ponzi scheme is more flexible than a private one .
However , the consequences of this arrangement do indeed have the character of a Ponzi scheme .
That was three days before Bernie Madoff was arrested for operating the biggest Ponzi scheme in history .
Well , she 's claiming she was fired because she had insider information about the ponzi scandal ,
It was a pattern that would repeat itself when the Ponzi scheme got going in earnest several decades later .
Mr Stanford was convicted in March on charges that he ran the Ponzi scheme for more than two decades .
For all its malevolence , the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme , dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money .
And worries remain that another Ponzi scheme could be brewing , along the lines of Bernie Madoff or Robert Allen Stanford .
In2006 , one potential investor actually branded it a Ponzi scheme and took his suspicions to the Securities and Exchange Commission .
Because it ran a Ponzi-like fund , it declared over-large bonuses to policyholders so as to announce good results and promote growth .
Sceptics retort that the Chinese eventually will realise they are acting as enablers in an untenable fiscal Ponzi scheme and cut their losses .
Does this make Social Security a Ponzi scheme , to quote Rick Perry , the governor of Texas and a leading Republican presidential candidate ?
When a wave of redemptions hit the Madoff funds , the Ponzi scheme , as Mr Madoff himself reportedly called it , became unworkable .
If you had the good fortune never to have invested in what may end up being the biggest Ponzi scheme in history , count your blessings .
For a while , like all good Ponzi schemes , it seemed to have done so . Yet it is now clear it added no real new value .
And the practice of basing bank bonuses on the ( notional ) return on a wholly inadequate equity base further exacerbates the quasi-ponzi nature of the current banking culture .