
shí jiān biǎo
  • schedule;time table;time-table
  1. 我需要适应新的时间表。

    I needed to accommodate to the new schedule .

  2. 我需要迅速适应新时间表。

    I quickly needed to accommodate to the new schedule .

  3. 政府已制订出和平谈判的时间表。

    The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks .

  4. 不断改动时间表,这样对待学生不恰当。

    It 's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable .

  5. 目前还没有明确的时间表。

    At the moment there 's no hard and fast timetable .

  6. 依据最后期限来确定研究计划的时间表。

    Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan .

  7. 他没有给出这些步骤的时间表。

    He gave no timescale for these steps .

  8. 两国正试图商定正式会谈的时间表。

    The two countries are to try to agree a timetable for formal talks .

  9. 选举时间表似乎有些混乱,需要改动一下。

    The electoral timetable seems to be out of joint with the need for change .

  10. 难道你没意识到我们是有一个时间表的吗?我们必须出成果。

    Don 't you realize we 're working to a timetable ? We have to have results

  11. 时间表制定得过于乐观。

    The timetable was hopelessly optimistic

  12. 我可以改变我的时间表来适应你的。

    I don 't mind fitting my timetable round yours .

  13. 中国的微生物学家余勇炫耀这宽敞的建筑,空空的办公桌,有插图的时间表详述了自20世纪80年代以来中国的南极洲运作的迅速发展。他说“我们整装待发。”

    Yong Yu , a Chinese microbiologist , showed off the spacious building , with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of China 's Antarctic operations since the 1980s " We now feel equipped to grow , " he said .

  14. 新的研究表明,基于时钟的工作时间表会阻碍士气和创造力。

    New research shows that clock-based work schedules hinder moraleand creativity .

  15. 协助解决时间表冲突

    assistance to solve timetable conflicts

  16. 据美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)丹佛分部报道,丹佛市外的一个学区已决定将一周的上课时间缩短为四天(周二到周五),按照这一新时间表开展课程的第一个学年已经开始。

    A school district outside Denver has decided to shorten its week to four days — from Tuesday to Friday , and the first school year on this new timetable just started , CBS Denver reports .

  17. 另一个建议是为自己制定一个时间表。

    Another piece of advice is to plan a timetable for yourself .

  18. 可惜,生物钟并不总会按照学校的时间表运作。

    Unluckily , these body clocks do not always work according to school timetables .

  19. 你可以比较一下实际时间表和计划时间表,看看你时间的实际使用情况。

    You can compare your actual timetable with the planned one to see how well you actually use your time .

  20. 为偿还交易,金额将列入一份摊销时间表

    For an amortizing transaction , the amount will be listed in an amortization schedule .

  21. 但负责大学招生工作的英国大学和学院招生服务中心希望保留现行的招生时间表,因为如果等学年结束之后再开始申请大学,那么家境较贫困的学生从老师那里得到的报考建议将会减少。

    But the university admissions service , UCAS , wants to keep the current timetable saying that if applications began after the academic year had finished , poorer students would have less access to advice from their teachers .

  22. 尹蔚民表示,网上流传的针对不同群体的延迟退休时间表系误读。中央政府制定延迟退休方案将会小步慢走、渐进到位,而且会提前公示、预先预告。

    Yin said the online guideline for when people of different ages should retire is fake , and the central government will take much slower , gradual steps in extending the retirement6 age , and will inform the public in advance .

  23. title元素代表的是您正在查看哪个用户的时间表。

    The title element identifies the user whose timeline you are viewing .

  24. B:有几趟你可坐的公交车(通勤车),我会给你一份公交车时间表?

    B : There are quite a few buses you can take . I 'll get a bus schedule for you .

  25. 定期查看SOA活动时间表以注册并参加与您相关的活动。

    Check the schedule of SOA events frequently to register for and attend events close to you .

  26. 我想,一旦检查成为常规并遵循一个规则的时间表,我的团队就将会发现RationalApplicationDeveloper的价值。

    Once inspections became routine and followed a regular schedule , I reasoned , my team would see the value of Rational Application Developer .

  27. 将批量生产的产品的名称或ID作为输入,并返回其当前制造时间表。

    Take the name or ID of a bulk-production item as input and return its current manufacturing schedule .

  28. 为每一个满足业务需求以及数据更新频率的IndexUpdateTask创建一个时间表。

    A schedule should be created for each Index Update Task that meets both the business requirements as well as how often the data is updated .

  29. 对于系统时间表,DB2还帮助将历史数据存储在一个与时态表相关联的历史表中。

    For system time tables , DB2 also helps store historical data in a history table associated with the temporal table .

  30. 计划和时间表:被计划开发的源代码VS.实际根据时间表开发的源代码。

    Planning and schedules : Source code planned for development versus actuals and against schedules .