- True value;truth-value

We also given the new definition of truth-value space and the fuzzy sets of type 2 and discussed their new properties .
A Method to Compute Truth-value Propagation in Weighted Fuzzy Logic
For n - Dimensional Truth - value Functions Constituting the Double Lattice - ordered Semigroup
Assistance Design of the PLC Ladder Diagram of First Answer Device with the Truth Table
Inputs or outputs that appear in truth tables as X , meaning that the state is irrelevant .
So using Born approximation can only obtain the location of interface even if the earth medium is little disturbance .
Multiple-target tracking property is analyzed in quantity based on the true value of the targets which is obtained by GPS .
By means of the iteration operation , the R_ ( 58 ) is close to its true value step by step .
We study satisfiability problem to decide that whether there exists a truth assignment which can satisfy a given logical expression .
It is reflexive : for any non-null reference value x , x.equals ( x ) should return true .
Expansion of the Truth Table of Master-Slave JK Flip-Flop
With the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox ( GAOT ) in MatLab .
The result shows that in addition to magnitude range ( M2-M1 ) and graded interval △ M , the size of real value b itself also has a certain effect on deviation of estimated value b.
Reckoning Extent of Electronic Product Reliability Test MTBF Value
It is one of development direction of measuring true value in precision test of missile fire control system , because of its simple usage , short test period and high success probability .
By analy-zing the relations of the three positions , a truth table is given , from which the VHDL program is made .
The preparation of the C language program and using of the operating elements " truth table " to divide the load point outage type makes it much simpler than previous method to the judgment of the outage type .
The results from Monte Carlo simulation show that the estimate of recombination fraction is consistent with its true value , and the formula of its standard error is validated .
Each Variable Length Code truth-table whose input is the bit stream code and output is the value and length of code is stored into different PLA respectively .
Here expanded an algorithm for finding a recursion for the truth table of any kth rotation symmetric Boolean function generated by a monomial , as well as a homogeneous recursion for its weight .
To support the truth table method , the properties of the minimal form are cited . Besides , it proves the theorem of the main disjunctive normal form of seeking G with the definition of formula equality .
LTV is the degree of self-confidence , th a t is , the linguistic truth .
Basically we need to write a set of UDFs that will realize the following bit operation truth tables .
If you use the logical | | operator , Perl will use the first true value it comes across , in order , from left to right .
At last , this paper introduces how to develop a tool which can create test cases of Modified Condition / Decision Coverage using these two ways by Visual C + + , and analyzes these two ways , proofs their excellent capability .
G - logic is a new generalization of Rough Logic , truth concept and its operations of the logic is different from classical logic and all non - standard logic . The logic is both logic and set theory .
After giving the model of the weighted fuzzy Petri net , one can calculate the fuzzy tokens of the appointed places which correspond to the true values of the relevant propositions by using this algorithm .
The procedure to obtain the average reservoir pressure controlled by a single well used currently in oil fields developed under water flooding is time consuming ( longer than 2d ), and relatively larger error often occurs .
The former put the different activity records representing the same web entity activity together and works for the truth discovery , which can find the truth value from the different records and create a complete and accurate record by solving the data conflict and replenishing the missing data .
The function for judging the real value of a Vague value is defined based on the intuitionistic property of Vague sets , thus giving a method for determining the fuzzy grade of membership by the aid of the defined function .