
shí kōng
  • space-time;time and space;space-time continuum
时空 [shí kōng]
  • [time and space] 时间和空间

  • 任何事物都处于一定的时空之中

时空[shí kōng]
  1. 第四,有了虫洞,就说明时空可以被拉伸、压缩、撕裂,也就推导出了时空旅行这个想法

    Fourth , a worm hole , elucidation space-time can stretch , compression , rent , also is deduced time-travel this idea .

  2. 但是henry却能任意改变时空?

    But Henry gets to play with the space-time continuum .

  3. 她感到自己正在穿越时空。

    She felt herself transcending time and space

  4. 人们也能看出具体行为是如何与时空相关联的。

    One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context

  5. 他辞职后,这个职位暂时空缺。

    The position became vacant after his resignation .

  6. "我试图把它装进密封罐里的时空胶囊里,"洛说。

    " I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar , " Loe said .

  7. 这些构造单元是由构造原因,依一定的时空序列拼贴在一起的。

    The units are collaged together by a serial tectonic spatially and temporally .

  8. 在健身房,新年计划族的特征很容易辨认:苍白的皮肤、赘肉、身材走样,还有站在健身器材旁时空洞的眼神。

    Resolutionists can be spotted by their pasty white skin , excessive fat , poor form , and blank look on their face as they stand next to any piece of gym equipment .

  9. 这首歌来自该组合2013年的专辑《超时空记忆》,这张专辑从很多方面来看都是他们音乐事业的巅峰之作。这张专辑在2014年获得了格莱美最佳专辑奖,其中包含全球热门单曲《得到好运》。

    The song is from the duo 's 2013 " Random of their career . The album , which included the global hit single " Get Lucky , " won the Grammy Award for Best Album the following year .

  10. 重庆市降雨侵蚀力(R值)的时空分布特征

    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of R Value in Chongqing City

  11. 土地利用GIS中地籍的变化时空拓扑关系描述法

    Description of spatio-temporal topological relationship about land utilization with GIS

  12. GIS支持的珠江三角洲农业面源污染时空分析

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Agriculture Non-point Pollution in Pearl River Delta based on GIS

  13. 弯曲时空中的COW相移及Anandan-Stodolsky效应

    Cow Phase Shift and A-S Effect in Curved Space-Time

  14. 利用GIS分析中西太平洋金枪鱼围网渔场的时空变动

    Analysis of temporal and spatial fluctuations on purse seine fishery in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean based on GIS technology

  15. 热带太平洋SST的多尺度时空特征分析

    Analysis of Multi-scale Features of Tropical Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperature

  16. 宽带谱相关时空DOA矩阵方法

    Wideband spectral correlation space-time DOA matrix method

  17. Kerr时空中任意自旋的统一场方程的退耦和分离变量

    Decoupled unified field equations of arbitrary spin in Kerr spacetime

  18. 用MODIS遥感资料分析四川盆地气溶胶光学厚度时空分布特征

    Characteristics of aerosol optical depth distributions over Sichuan Basin derived from MODIS data

  19. HVS:一个半现实全景图时空模型

    Hvs : a spatio-temporal model of panoramic overviews for half reality

  20. 时空DOA矩阵方法

    Space-Time DOA Matrix Method

  21. REE示踪研究坡面侵蚀时空演变过程

    Using Rare Earth Element as Tracers for Studying Spatial and Temporal Process of Soil Erosion in Sloping Land

  22. 时空单位球与Lorentz变换

    The space-time unit sphere and Lorentz transformation

  23. 北太平洋SST的时空分布特征及其与黑潮大弯曲和El&Nino的关系

    The space and time characteristics of SST in the northern Pacific and its relationship to Kuroshio meander and e1-nino event

  24. 应用时空变-倾角扫描叠加KL变换提高地震资料信噪比

    Signal-to-noise ratio enhancement of seismic data using space-time varying and dip scanning stack KL transform

  25. Schwarzschild黑洞整体正规时空中的测地运动

    Geodesic motion in the globally regular space-time of a Schwarzschild black hole

  26. 通过实际的测试获取了GPS机的时空数据,选择不同的时间间隔,应用标签算法识别GPS机的移动、静止状态,得到了不同的识别结果。

    Labeling algorithm is used to implement the move-or-stay identification of GPS equipment according to the GPS data obtained by factual test , and different results are obtained under different time intervals of sampling .

  27. Minkowski时空中的四维力

    4-dimension force in Minkowski spacetime

  28. 应用1980、1988、1994年的MSS、TM资料,编制了相应时期深圳市土地利用/覆盖图,分析了近20年来深圳市土地利用变化的时空分异规律。

    With the use of MSS and TM data of Shenzhen in 1980,1988 and 1994 , land use / cover map was compiled .

  29. 研究了P2P环境下的移动对象数据库技术的应用。通过对战场环境的抽象和模型的建立,讨论了战场环境下的分布式时空查询处理。

    We investigate the application of moving objects database technology in P2P.Based on the abstraction and modeling of warfield environment , we discuss the distributed spatio-temperal query processing in battlefield environment .

  30. 利用Hurst指数通过分形内插算法对流量信号进行了精确重构,建立了一种可准确重演系统时空变化规律的模型。

    Finally , the traffic serials signals are reconstructed by using fractal interpolation algorithm and gaining reasonably accurate models .