
shí jiān xiāng guān
  • Time dependent;time correlation
时间相关[shí jiān xiāng guān]
  1. 通过对动态光散射测得的电场-电场时间相关函数的拉普拉斯变换,求得平动扩散系数分布G(D);

    By doing the Laplace transform of precisely measured intensity-intensity time correlation function , we can get a translational diffusion coefficient distribution G ( D ); After combining the static and dynamic LLS results , i.

  2. 介绍了利用改进型的时间相关算法进行短波非正交跳频网台信号分选的方法。

    Shortwave non-orthodox frequency-hopped signal selection by improved time correlation arithmetic is introduced .

  3. 结论:脑梗死的CT检出与发病时间相关;脑梗死的病理改变及CT表现分为四期:急性期-CT阴性期;

    There exist four phases of pathology and CT manifestations of cerebral infarction : acute phase-CT negative ;

  4. 动态定位中测量噪声时间相关的Kalman滤波

    Kalman Filter for Kinematic Positioning with Timing Correlated Observation Noises

  5. 介绍了系统建模中的时间相关概念,以及MSC和UML序列图对时间相关概念的表示。

    The time-related concepts in system modeling are introduced .

  6. 报导基因表达与质粒DNA注射量及在舌肌中孵化时间相关。

    Results : The expression of reporter gene was correlated with the amount of injected DNA and the time of incubation in tongue muscle .

  7. 结论脑出血后HIF-1α的表达与出血量及手术时间相关,为判断脑出血灶周缺血半暗带的存在提供了依据;

    Conclusion Expression of HIF-1 α is closely related with the time of hemorrhage .

  8. 用时间相关光谱法研究了水杨醛缩胺类Schiff碱光致变色的性质,发现分子共轭体系大小和分子骨架刚性等因素对光致变色性质存在规律性的影响。

    The photochromism of salicylaldehyde-derived Schiff bases were studied from a view-point of structure-property relationship .

  9. 结论REM睡眠剥夺降低大鼠的内脏感觉功能,且与睡眠剥夺时间相关。

    Conclusion The visceral sensitivity in rats would be affected by REM sleep deprivation together with time .

  10. 随机非球形粒子全极化散射的时间相关Mueller矩阵解

    The temporal Mueller matrix solution for polarimetric scattering from a layer of random non-spherical scatterers

  11. 一种费用与时间相关的GERT模型的解析求解研究

    An Analytic Algorithm of GERT Model of Cost and Time Being Correlative

  12. 与下沉气流强度、上升气流夹卷率和对流有效位能(CAPE)消耗时间相关的参数能对模式性能造成显著影响。

    The model performance is found to be sensitive to downdraft-and entrainment-related parameters and consumption time of Convective Available Potential Energy ( CAPE ) .

  13. 本文利用恒定电压作用方法,测量硅栅MOS结构高场隧道电流的时间相关特性,研究了薄栅SiO2的早期电导机制。

    The initial conductance mechanism of the thin gate SiO2 has been systematically studied by measuring the time-dependent tunneling current characteristics under constant voltage stress .

  14. 由于隐式马尔科夫链(HMM)可以同时对空间和时间相关关系建立模型,适用于动态手势识别。

    Since the Hidden Markov models ( HMM ) can be related to space and time model , it can be suitable for dynamic gesture recognition .

  15. 本文以时间相关显式格式求解完全的Navier-Stokes方程,计算了二维叶栅中的粘性流动。

    An explicit , time-marching , numerical technique for the computation of cascade viscous flows through the solution of the complete Navier-Stokes equations is presented .

  16. 对受强相干激光场驱动的单个V型三能级原子的荧光谱及荧光场中不同谱成份及其耦合的时间相关压缩效应作了解析讨论。

    The fluorescence spectrum from a three-level atom in V configuration driven by strong coherent laser fields and the time-dependent squeezing effect in the fluorescence fields with different mixtures of the spectrum lines are investigated analytically .

  17. 拟合与时间相关的QTL基因型的期望均值向量和剩余误差的协方差矩阵是动态性状功能定位的核心内容。

    Modeling time-dependent expected mean vectors of QTL genotypes and the structure of the within-subject residual covariance matrix are the essence for functional mapping QTL of dynamic traits .

  18. 化瘤散结丹(含药血清)诱导HeLa细胞凋亡与药物浓度及作用时间相关:浓度太小,时间太短(2.5%,12h)不足以诱导凋亡;

    If the concentration is too low and the time is too short ( 2.5 % 12h ), It cannot induce the apoptosis of HeLa cells ;

  19. 应用有限体积法及BaldwinLomax紊流模型数值求解与时间相关的三维可压缩的薄层Navierstokes方程组。

    The finite volume approach and the Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model were applied to numerically solve the unsteady three-dimensional thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations .

  20. 来自ErvaCon的Bitemporal框架是一个开源项目,它基于时态模式(TemporalPatterns)而创建,用来解决富领域模型中的时间相关数据的需求。

    Bitemporal framework from ErvaCon is an open source project created based on the Temporal Patterns to address the time related data requirements in rich domain models .

  21. 作用在建筑物上的风压场是一个与空间和时间相关的复杂函数,国外已有不少文献研究了用本征正交分解(POD)方法来对随即风压场进行分解和重建。

    Wind pressures acting on buildings are complicated functions of both time and space . The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition ( POD ) technique has been applied to decompose and reconstruct wind pressure fields in earlier studies .

  22. Singer模型是典型的全局统计模型,其严重缺陷在于所采用的零均值时间相关模型和标准卡尔曼滤波算法不能完成对机动目标状态的正确估计;

    Singer model is a classic whole statistic model , it ′ s fatal limitation exits in the use of time-correlated model with zero-mean and Kalman filter that can ′ t effectively solve maneuvering target tracking problem .

  23. 结论青春期骨量是峰值骨量的83%~90%;长期口服GC导致与GC用量和用药时间相关的骨丢失,男性更突出。

    Conclusion The bone cumulation of adolescence was 83 % - 90 % of peak value , long term administration of glucocorticoid leads to dose-and therapy duration-related loss of bone , the bone loss was greater in the male patients .

  24. 使用量子场论中的Schrodinger波函数描述2-费密子系统。导出了时间相关Green函数及其谱表示。

    Using Schrodinger wave function in quantum field theory , the time-dependent Green func-tion and its spectral representation for 2-fermion system are derived , and the Schrodinger equa-tion as well as the normalization condition of his wave function are deduced .

  25. 视网膜NogoA蛋白表达的分布范围和表达程度与视神经受损后的时间相关。

    The change in the distribution and level of expressed of Nogo-A in the retina is correlated with time advancement after injured of ON .

  26. 第一个例程测试了ACOS是如何利用滴答来支持与时间相关的运行的;

    The first routine tests that ACOS how to support task running associated with tune using tick .

  27. 结果:体外细胞试验表明化疗药物的毒性与治疗温度和时间相关,温度37.0~41.0℃(41.5℃)合并药物时,细胞生存率急剧下降,而除ADR外,41.0~43.0℃时细胞生存率下降不明显。

    Results : Exosomatic cell test showed that the toxicity of chemotherapeutics was relative to treating temperature and time . When the temperature was 37.0-41.00C ( 41.50C ) with medication , cell survival rates decreased suddenly except Adr ;

  28. 结合皮秒时间相关单光子计数光谱仪的PCI总线数据采集卡设计,对驱动程序设计过程中的关键技术如存储器映射、I/O访问、中断请求、驱动程序与应用程序间的通信等做了讨论。

    Taking PCI bus sample card design as a reference , author discusses some key techniques in programming the WDM driver such as memory mapping , the accessing to I / O port , the requesting for interrupt and the communication between application and driver .

  29. 应用时间相关的局域密度近似模型研究了Na2价电子对超短激光脉冲的响应。

    The linear dynamical response of the valence electrons of Na 2 is investigated using time dependent local density approximation with frozen ionic positions .

  30. 分析了Petri网理论的发展历程,从高级Petri网和时间相关Petri网两个方面对Petri网进行了分类,研究了随机高级Petri网理论,为进一步建立FMS物流系统Petri网模型打下基础。

    Analyze the developing course of petri net theory , classify petri net into high level petri net and time related petri net . Investigate the theory of stochastic high level petri net . Lay the foundation for the establishment of FMS material flow systems based on petri net model .