
wén huà rèn tónɡ
  • cultural identification
  1. 现代旧体诗的文化认同与写作空间

    The Cultural Identification and Writing Space of the Modern Classical-form Poetry

  2. 语体选择与语言社团的文化认同

    Choice of Type of Writing and Cultural Identification of Language Community

  3. 人们的热情,不是出自口腹快感,也不是出自品牌崇拜,而是出自对Tsingtao背后的地方文化认同和情感归属。

    The enthusiasm of the people attending this event did not come from their good-tasting pleasure , nor from the brand worship , but from the local cultural identity and emotional affiliation to the " Tsingtao " background .

  4. 角色转换与文化认同&中国节日文化中的人

    Role Transformation and Culture Identification & Chinese Festival Culture and Man

  5. 美国应急协调体系特征及社会文化认同状况分析

    Analysis on coordinating system and social - cultural identity in USA

  6. 《狼图腾》中文化认同的人类学阐释

    An Interpretation of Wolf Totem Cultural Identity from perspective of Anthropology

  7. 欧洲文化认同以欧洲文化为基点。

    European cultural identity regards European culture as the basic point .

  8. 对于民族文化认同进行了相关的理论研究。

    For the relevant theoretical research on the national cultural identity .

  9. 任何社会都有其独特的核心价值体系和文化认同。

    Any society owns its unique core value system and cultural identity .

  10. 论李安电影的中西文化认同

    On the Culture Identity between Chinese and Western in Ang 's Movies

  11. 民族文化认同由此上升到一个重要的位置上来,并且在国际政治舞台上扮演着越来越重要的作用。

    Identification acts important function more and more at international political platform .

  12. 南宁国际民歌艺术节呈现的文化认同危机

    The Cultural Identity Crisis Manifested by Nanning International Folk Songs Arts Festival

  13. 中国背景下的组织文化认同度模型建构

    Toward a Model of Organizational Cultural Identification in Chinese Context

  14. 上海城市的文化认同及其开放与容纳

    Cultural Identity of Shanghai City and Its Opening and Containing

  15. 从文化认同的角度论广告语翻译策略

    On the Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Approval

  16. 文化认同是民族融合的先决条件

    Cultural Identity is a Prime Condition of Ethnic Fusion

  17. 探讨欧洲文化认同的可能性和现实性的历史渊源和前景发展。

    The origins of the common culture of Europe .

  18. 一方面,文化认同发生着变迁。

    On the one hand , changes have taken place in cultural identity .

  19. 文化认同与城市规划的终极关怀

    Cultural identification and the ultimate solicitude of urban planning

  20. 汉语语法学的文化认同与形神关系

    Chinese Grammar : the Cultural Identity and the Relationship between Form and Meaning

  21. 华裔美国人文化认同的民族视角

    Review of the National Perspective on Chinese American Identity

  22. 民族精神与和谐社会的文化认同

    National Spirit and Cultural Identity in A Harmonious Society

  23. 文化认同与文化适应:论民族地区课程的双向选择

    Culture-identification and Culture-adaptation : Two Kinds of Selections of Curricula in Minority Region

  24. 当代欧洲文化认同及其建构

    The Contemporary European Cultural Identity and Its Construction

  25. 由此得知,欧洲文化认同的建构对欧洲一体化的发展和深化起着决定性的作用。

    Culture identity plays a decisive role to development and promotion of European integration .

  26. 文化认同与中华民族凝聚力

    Cultural Identity and Cohesion of the Chinese Nation

  27. 第二部分,欧洲文化认同的产生、发展及其功能。

    The second part , production , development and function of European cultural identity .

  28. 试论民族文化认同的特殊功效&从斯大林民族定义的争论说开去

    On the Special Function about National Culture Approval

  29. 汉语越好,其文化认同度越高。

    The better their Chinese is , the higher degree of their cultural identity .

  30. 经济全球化和文化认同

    Economic Globalization and the Issue of Cultural Identity