
wén dú zhǔ yì
  • red tape;officialism;red-tapism
文牍主义 [wén dú zhǔ yì]
  • [red tape] 一种官僚主义作风。不下基层搞调查,而仅在办公室签发文件,想以此来解决实际问题

文牍主义[wén dú zhǔ yì]
  1. 官僚文牍主义的束缚官僚经商导致了商人的官僚化,进而出现了商人干政的局面。

    The straitjacket of bureaucratic paperwork . Bureaucrats , engaging in trade led to tradespeople 's bureaucratization and further caused tradespeople 's intervening with political affairs .

  2. 为此,梅耶尔启动了PB&J计划,希望能去除繁杂的流程和官僚文牍主义,消除局部拥塞。

    Her tactic has been a program she launched called Pb & J , which is designed to rid Yahoo of poisonous processes , useless bureaucracy and jams .

  3. 第一,政府机构重叠庞大,人浮于事的现象严重,这不仅滋生官僚主义和文牍主义,助长贪污腐败和不正之风,也给国家财政造成了沉重的负担。

    First , a bloated size and whelmed-organization of government institutions with overlapping functions and serious overstaffing have given rise to bereaucracy and red-tape , bribe and curruption , promoted unhealthy practices and created a heavy financial burden on the state .