
  • 网络cultural proximity
  1. 在文化认同的研究视角下,分析、探讨中国内地与中国香港地区合拍电影的文化接近性与文化折扣的问题。

    In the perspective of Cultural identity , text and explore the cultural proximity and cultural discount in Chinese mainland and Hong Kong co-production film .

  2. 随着王安石的离去,王氏家族女性文化也接近尾声,其盛衰是中国传统家族女性文化的一个缩影。

    After WANG An-shi 's death , the female culture of WANG An-shi 's family ended gradually , which is a miniature of Chinese traditional family .

  3. 中日文化的接近尤其是日本社会主义思潮和中国传统的社会理念有较多的相似之处,从而易引发中国留学生的共鸣。

    The similar culture between China and Japan , especially the similarity between Japanese socialist ideological trend and Chinese traditional socialist theory , easily stimulated Chinese to response .

  4. 化是一个修改现存的过程,目的是使在文化上更接近目标受众。

    Website localization is the process of modifying an existing website to make it accessible , usable and culturally suitable to a target audience .

  5. 韩国电视剧近年来在我国传媒市场上的商业成功,除了应归功于其形式上的贴近性和文化上的接近性外,更重要的原因在于其独具特色的艺术魅力。

    The Korean teleplay has achieved commercial success in Chinese media market , which owed much to the formal and cultural proximity and , more important , the unique artistic fascination .

  6. 他们一直在从规模大得多的印度竞争对手那里争夺市场份额,尤其是与韩国和日本公司一起。与印度集团比起来,他们在地理和文化方面更接近韩国和日本公司。

    They have been making inroads against their much larger Indian competitors , especially with South Korean and Japanese companies , to which they are closer geographically and culturally than Indian groups .

  7. 让他们接受外来族群的艺术文化,彼此接近,取长补短,使自己在融入大的环境的同时,广泛的接触它族文化艺术。

    Let them accept foreign ethnic art culture , to approach each other and complement each other , make oneself in the environment at the same time in large , widely contacts it clan culture and art .

  8. 在我的文化当中它非常接近我,接近布鲁斯。

    In my culture it is very similar to me , to the blues .

  9. 基于此,本文选择了与中国历史和文化渊源都很接近的日本为研究对象,探究蕴涵在两国中小学教育管理体制当中的一些有关联的问题。全文分为三个部分。

    Based on this , the paper has selected the education administration system of Japan and China to study .

  10. 在汉语作为第二语言学习的过程中,亚洲国家的学生学习汉语快于欧美国家的学生,这种情况可能是由于亚洲国家之间的文化思维差距更接近所造成的差别。

    The Chinese as a second language learning process , Asia students who are studying Chinese faster than Europe and the United States students . This Situation may be due to differences in culture and thinking .

  11. 新发现的5处旧石器地点,石制品可能出自下蜀黄土中,时代大约为中更新世中晚期,文化性质与茅山旧石器地点群、皖江两岸及安徽南部的旧石器文化十分接近。

    The character of the Paleolithic culture of the sites is resemble with those found in Maoshan , the valley of Wan river and southern Anhui area .