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  • 网络Stories in Stories;The Tale of Tales;tale;Skazka skazok
  1. 麦克尤恩通过讲述这样一个故事中的故事,不仅关注了个人成长这一主题,而且还让读者看清楚了虚构和现实之间那条不可逾越的沟壑。

    Meanwhile , through telling such a story within a story , the author of the novel , McEwan , not only shows his concerns for the theme of growth , but also makes the reader reflect on the boundary between fiction and reality .

  2. 看书的时候,你需要记住一堆人物,他们的背景、野心、历史以及细微的差别,以及每个故事中他们的故事脉络和发展进程。

    When you read a book , you have to remember an assortment of characters , their backgrounds , ambitions , history , and nuances , as well as the various arcs and sub-plots that weave their way through every story .

  3. 我保证那是我所有故事中最骇人听闻的故事。

    That , in my opinion , is the most terrifying of all my tales .

  4. 在艾泽拉斯还有许多很赞的传奇,还有许多故事以及故事中的故事在等着被你发现。

    There are many prominent figures in the lore and many stories and stories within stories to be told .

  5. 除寺庙之外蒙古文人撰写的文学作品以及蒙古民间口头流传的故事中有关度母的故事也很多。众所周知,在蒙古地区广泛流传的是绿度母和白度母。

    Besides temples and monasteries , there are lots of literatures and folk literatures about Tara . As we all know , Green Tara and White Tara are most well known in Mongol region and " Story of Green Tara " widely spread .

  6. 以下就是一千零一夜里所讲的故事中最精彩的几个故事。

    Now these are some of the tales of the Thousand and One Nights .

  7. 异类婚是民间故事中一个流行的故事类别,田螺姑娘型就是这一类故事中的一个。

    Heterogeneous marriage is a popular type of folk tales . The kind of snail girl story is one of them .

  8. 三国故事是中国古代名著故事中引人注目的故事之一,国内学者对三国各种文本的研究以及文本中人物的研究非常多。

    The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the one of the attractive story in ancient China , of which the domestic academics research much on its characters in text as well as text .