
  • 网络extra story;CHAPTER;angel beats;T-ARA
  1. 《地心引力》7分钟的番外篇最近几周中已经在各类电影节中反复出现,现在终于登陆互联网了。

    A seven-minute short spun out of Gravity that has been orbiting film festivals in recent weeks has finally landed on the Internet .

  2. 一些电影人利用微电影简短、精炼、快速传播的特点,为电影的前期网络营销开辟了新的道路,即制作电影的番外篇微电影。

    Some films using micro film short , refining , rapid propagation characteristics , has opened up a new way for early network marketing of the film , which is making the movie a micro film .