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jīnɡ yì
  • Jingyi;true meanings of the classics;expound on a quotation from the classics in the civil-service examinations
经义 [jīng yì]
  • (1) [Confucian classics argumentation]∶经籍的义理

  • 明经义谙雅故。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

  • (2) [one imperial examination course]∶科举考试的一种科目,以经书文句为题,应试者作文阐明其中义理

  1. 经义是王安石变法以后宋代科举考试的主要文体,对后来时文文体的影响很大。

    After Wang Anshi carried out the political reform , the confucian-classics argumentation writing style became the major style in the imperial examination of the song dynasty .

  2. 科举考试中的经义与论中国科举考试及其近代解释五论

    Five Discussions on the Chinese Imperial Examination and its Modern Explanation

  3. 北宋中晚期科举考试中的诗赋、经义之争

    A Debate on Poem and Fu and Confucian Classics Argumentation from Middle to Late Northern Song Dynasty

  4. 本文试将串讲经义的体式与方法归纳为传笺文字结合;

    The thesis tries to separate the type and method of synopsis explain on lection into Zhuan and Jian coalescent ;

  5. 第三部分研究文中以正文形式出现的训诂和阐发经义的训诂;

    The third part of a body of research in the form of exegesis and analyze the meaning of jingyi ;

  6. 而后在章句时比附经义,用章句的方式来解读屈原的辞赋。

    Then when the analogy by the meaning of the Chapters , with Chapters way to interpret the Qu Yuan Dynasties .

  7. 此外,对与船山四书学思想颇有关联的《船山经义》之内容和写作时间也作了细致考订。

    Moreover , the paper also expounds the content and writing time of Chuanshan 's Confucian Classics Argumentation which concerned to his thoughts on the Four Books nearly .

  8. 进入南宋中期,理学正统地位的确立对经义与诗赋之争起着决定性作用。

    In the middle of Southern Song Dynasty , the establishment of Neo-Confucianism of orthodoxy plays a decisive part of the struggle between Confucian classics and poems and essays .

  9. 由于朱元璋的文化高压政策和经义的话语霸权,戏曲在明初处于边缘化的境地,戏曲创作也出现了严重危机。

    Because of the high pressure policy in culture and speak power owned by Confucian classics argumentation , the drama becomes the marginal literature and the drama creation is in a critical situation .

  10. 宋代是科举制度发展的重要阶段,而经义与诗赋之争则是宋代科举改革的重要内容。

    Song Dynasty is an important stage of the development and changes of imperial examinations , while the struggle between Confucian classics and poems and essays was an important aspect of examination reform .

  11. 几百年后,才出现了一批和尚,他们既精通梵文,又深晓复杂的梵经义理。

    It took China several hundred years to bring forth a selection of Buddhist monks who could master both the Sanskrit language as well as the complex Buddhism doctrines , which were written in Sanskrit .

  12. 这章考察经义之争的佯谬性特征,对于理解今、古文学之争的知识学型态,提供另一种认识。

    This chapter provides another perspective for understanding the knowledge modality of the debate between New Text and Old Text proponents by reviewing the character of ' pretended falsehoods ' of debates on the classical works .

  13. 经义是中国古代科举考试中的一种重要文体,它萌芽于汉唐,形成于北宋。

    The jingyi ( literally , meaning of classics ) was one of the important writing styles in ancient Chinese examinations . It germinated in the Han and Tang dynasties , and took shape during the Northern Song Dynasty .

  14. 一是由新经义、新字学、新学风、新学学派等四个构成,有官学、新经学、学派三种含义与王学完全等同的新学。

    The other is the same as the Wang School made up of new meaning , new word school , new style of study , new school , and they have three meanings : authority learning , Jing Xue , and school .

  15. 中国古代社会强调司法官吏严格执法、大臣经义决狱、皇帝屈法伸情以实现司法公正。

    Ancient Chinese society realized judicial justice by emphasizing that judicial officers should strictly enforce the law , the ministers try cases in the spirit of Confucian classics , and the emperor deny the validity of law in some specific cases for ethics .

  16. 全文共分四个部分:第一部分就《经义述闻》的作者、版本源流、研究现状及其运用的科学研究方法略作梳理,并指出本文的研究方向;

    The thesis discusses on four parts : The first part sorts out the author , edition , the current study situation and the use of scientific research methods on Jing Yi Shu Wen and points out the study direction about the paper .

  17. 经义断狱,充分体现了儒家之礼对中国古代司法活动的影响,礼治主义成为中国传统司法的最高原则;

    " A trial of a case with a reference to the Confucian code " is a demonstration of the great impact of the Confucianism on the ancient judicial activities , and the " Courtesy Rule " became a supreme principle of the Chinese traditional judicature .

  18. 试图说明,生在过渡时代的梁启超,其自小所受的历史教育,包含了民族精神、经学义理、史学考据等各个方面。

    Liang Chi-chao born in the period of transitional time received history education in his teenage including national spirit , natural essence of classics and textual research of historiography etc. .

  19. 在他们看来,本土佛教学者经历了几个世纪的译经、义解,已经有条件建立汉语系统的佛学体系,乃至构造适应民族文化的研究范式。

    In their view , the local Buddhism scholars through centuries of translation , have conditions for the establishment of Chinese system of Buddhism system , and to build a national culture research paradigm .

  20. 现从学术取向的多样性,经世义理之学占主导地位来论述北宋新儒学的时代特征。

    The article expounds on these features of Neo - Confucianism in the following aspects , such as the diversity of its academic orientation , the leading position of the practical knowledge of managing state affairs .

  21. 北宋儒学复兴是在经学义理化的大趋势中完成的,在这一趋势中,儒家学者在经典转型的背景下对先秦儒家经典作出了创造性的旧瓶装新酒式的诠释。

    The revival of Confucianism in the Northern Song was finished in the trend of arguing studies of Confucian classics . In this trend , the Confucians made creative annotation like new wine in old bottles for Confucian classics of the Pre-Qin period under the background of transforming the classics .

  22. 通过流式细胞仪对细胞凋亡峰进行定量分析。结果:K562、HL-60细胞均表达高水平的端粒酶活性,经hTR反义核酸作用后,K562及HL-60细胞端粒酶活性下降;

    Results : K562 and HL-60 cells all expressed high level of telomerase activity , which decreased as the cells treated by hTR AS PS-ODN .

  23. 这就决定了宋代经学的义理取向。

    Those views determined the orientation of studying Confucian classics in Song dynasty .

  24. 第二节具体分析他们对学术文体的认识与总结。第三节则详论经学家对义理、考据、词章三者关系的种种看法。

    The second section concretely analyzes the classicists ' comprehension and summarization on academic style . We analyze the classicists ' opinions on the relation of argumentation , textual research and prose in the third section .

  25. 该脉法可断五脏六腑及十二经脉的疾病,既宗《黄帝内经》旨义,又有新的创造,临床应用广泛,有助于判断病位病性、指导治疗、预后。

    This kind of method is not only based on the essence of Neijing , but also has new creation . It is widely used in clinic and helpful for distinguish the position and nature of diseases , guidance of treatment and prognosis .

  26. 南宋四书学的经学文化述义

    On Meaning of Classics Culture of the Study Four Books in the Southern Sung Dynasty

  27. 摘要作为清代乾嘉学派的代表人物,钱大昕博通群经,邃于经义,兼擅众长,在易学领域也取得了一定成就。

    As a representative figure of the Qian Jia philological School of the Qing dynasty , Qian Da-Xin was well versed in each Confucian classic , and attained certain achievements , among other things , in the studies of yi .