
xù jí
  • sequel;continuation
续集 [xù jí]
  • [sequel] 多集作品的后续各集之一

  1. 制片厂为去年一部大获成功的影片筹拍续集,想聘她担任主角。

    The studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year 's hit .

  2. 续集破天荒地与第一部一样精彩。

    For once the sequel is as good as the original .

  3. 理查德·张伯伦已经同意接拍《荆棘鸟》的续集。

    Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to ' The Thorn Birds ' .

  4. 第一部《速度与激情》是关于非法街头赛车手的低成本警察惊悚片,但是续集一部比一部拍得更盛大也更荒唐。

    The first film was a low-budget cop thriller11 about illegal street racers , but the sequels have grown bigger and sillier every time .

  5. Legacyquel指后续拍了多部续集的系列影片,受人爱戴的老牌明星在系列影片中逐渐将角色传递给年轻一代的演员,我们可以称之为“传帮带系列电影”。

    Legacyquel is a movie that continues a long-running franchise2 , in which beloved aging stars reprise classic roles and pass the torch to younger successors .

  6. 电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做“续集病”的病症。各地的电影制作人都在制作某一部成功影片的续集或者前传。

    Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called " sequelitis " or " sequel syndrome everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film .

  7. 可是,因为被金钱蒙蔽了双眼,很多电影制作方仍然决定继续拍续集,有些成功了,有些搞砸了,还有些贪得无厌,完全停不下来。

    However , blinded by dollar signs , many in the industry decided to try their hand at the sequel trade . Some were successful , some bombed , and some just didn 't know when enough is enough .

  8. 这可以称为防火墙II:续集。

    It will be Firewall II : the Sequel .

  9. 该片与其续集《沉默之像》(TheLookofSilence)一道引发了国际辩论。

    Along with The Look of Silence , a sequel , it has triggered international debate .

  10. 《终结者》的同名续集《终结者ii》制作精良,情节曲折。

    Terminator2is the well-executed , action-packed sequel to the earlier film of the same name .

  11. IrrationalGames公司宣布将制作《生化奇兵》续集。

    Irrational Games announced a follow-up to the very popular BioShock franchise with BioShock Infinite .

  12. 演员斯特尔林·K·布朗指出,《黑豹》导演瑞恩·库格勒已经在筹划续集。

    Actor Sterling K. Brown noted that " Black Panther " director Ryan Coogler is already on board .

  13. 其夏季大片《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld)——恐龙系列中最新一部——将衍生出续集。

    Its summer hit Jurassic World , the latest instalment in the dinosaur film series , will spawn a sequel .

  14. 2018年喜剧组合BrokenLizard的成员将带着续集回归大荧幕。

    The boys from Broken Lizard are bringing it back in 2018 .

  15. 尼莫伊还在2013年的续集《星际迷航:驶入黑暗》(StarTrekIntoDarkness)中亮相。

    Nimoy also appeared in the 2013 follow-up , Star Trek Into Darkness .

  16. 第一次会议创建了世界银行(worldbank)和国际货币基金组织(imf),而其续集将更为无趣,也没那么重要。

    The first conference gave birth to the world bank and the International Monetary Fund . Its successor will be duller and less consequential .

  17. 风靡一时的电视系列剧《发展受阻》(ArrestedDevelopment)停机5年后,Netflix公司开始制作其续集。

    Netflix ( NFlx ) is resurrecting the cult favorite TV show arrested development five years after it was canceled .

  18. 跟菏泽尔先生关系相当密切的好莱坞立即拍了续集《鬼哭神嚎II:入魔》。

    Hollywood , with whom Mr Holzer had rather tense relations , promptly made a sequel ," Amityville II : The Possession " .

  19. 针对最流行的作品,Audible委托其中几部的作者写了续集。

    Audible commissioned sequels for several of the most popular works .

  20. 除了娱乐界相关的影片之外,其他呼声很高的影片包括奥本海默的《沉默之像》(TheLookofSilence),是他上一部关于印度尼西亚影片的续集,更富于私人色彩;

    Among the non-showbiz-related favorites are Mr. Oppenheimer 's " The Look of Silence , " an intimate companion piece to his earlier work about Indonesia ;

  21. 该片是《X战警:未来昔日》的续集,也是《X战警》系列电影的最新力作。我们将在片中看到“X战警”大战恶棍“天启”(Apocalypse)。

    A sequel to X Men : Days of Future Past , the latest instalment in the X Men series will see them fight the villain Apocalypse .

  22. 他后来成为CBS新闻杂志节目《60分钟》及其时间不长的续集《60分钟II》的常任记者。

    He later became a regular correspondent for the network 's news magazine show 60 Minutes and its short-lived spinoff , 60 Minutes II .

  23. 今年可谓“续集”年,许多电影的续集纷纷登上大荧幕:《美国队长2:冬日战士》,《超凡蜘蛛侠2》,《X战警2:逆转未来》都是不错的大片。

    It 's been a year of movie sequels , with Captain America : The Winter Soldier , The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men : Days of Future Past all hitting theaters .

  24. 马克韦布的3D电影续集《超凡蜘蛛侠2》中,身着蜘蛛侠服的年轻人彼得帕克已经高中毕业,准备担负起保卫世界的责任。

    Marc Webbs 3D sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , starts as Peter Parker , the young man under the Spiderman suit , is graduating from high school and preparing to take on the world .

  25. 之前的10月最大票房赢家是小制作续集电影《灵动:鬼影实录3》(ParanormalActivity3)。该片2011年上映,上映首周末票房收入5260万美元。

    The previous record holder for the biggest ever October opening was the low-budget horror sequel ' Paranormal Activity 3 , ' with $ 52.6 million in 2011 .

  26. 美国在线影片提供商Netflix近日发布了电影《卧虎藏龙》的续集的第一版预告片。

    US online video provider Netflix has released the first trailer for the sequel to " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon . "

  27. 其他试验包括计划在Netflix网站和一些精选Imax影院同时播映《卧虎藏龙》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon)的续集。

    Other experimentation includes a plan to show the sequel to the movie Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon simultaneously on Netflix and in select Imax theaters .

  28. 电影《卧虎藏龙》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon)将拍摄续集,杨紫琼(MichelleYeoh)将继续担任主演,功夫明星甄子丹(DonnieYen)也会加盟。

    Michelle Yeoh is returning to star in the sequel to " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon , " joined by kung-fu star Donnie Yen .

  29. 文物的期待已久的续集命中科幻RTS系列战争黎明结合队的战术与RPG元素。

    Relic 's long awaited sequel to the hit sci-fi Dawn of War RTS series combines squad-based tactics with RPG elements .

  30. 鲍伊亦参与创作了一部外百老汇音乐剧《拉撒路》(Lazarus),这是他1976年主演的影片《出卖地球的男人》(TheManWhoFelltoEarth)的续集,颇具超现实色彩。

    He had also collaborated on an Off Broadway musical , " Lazarus , " that was a surreal sequel to his definitive 1976 film role , " The Man Who Fell to Earth . "