
  • 网络policy feasibility
  1. 并按照政策可行性评估的基本框架,探索“闵行模式”推广的可行性以及可能引发的问题。

    In addition , according to the framework of the policy feasibility assessment , this paper analyzes the feasibility and the possible problems when government promotes the use of " Minhang " pattern .

  2. 上海实施道路交通拥挤收费政策可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on the Implementation of a Road Traffic Congestion Charging Policy in Shanghai

  3. 在此基础之上,本文从经济可行性、市场可行性、技术可行性和政策可行性四个方面深入探讨了林业项目融资的可行性。

    On this basis , the paper make a study of the feasibility of forestry financing by discussing the economic viability and market feasibility , technical feasibility and feasibility .

  4. 本文最后一部分依据SCP范式对中国民航业的市场绩效进行经济学分析并对产业政策提出可行性建议。

    The last part of this dissertation analyses market performance of Chinese civil aviation industry according to the SCP model and then propose several feasible suggestions on Chinese civil aviation industrial policy .

  5. 政策方案可行性论证程式的研究

    Research on the Process and Methods of Feasibility in Policy Alternative

  6. 非洲国家实行汇率贬值政策的可行性

    The feasibility of the policy of exchange rate devaluation in African countries

  7. 第四章是在数理分析的基础上讨论在立法中引入私法实施政策的可行性,即倍数赔偿规则;

    Chapter four is a discussion about the measure that private law is implemented ;

  8. 实证分析的结果表明,针对中低收入阶层的住房保障税收政策具有可行性。

    The conclusions of positive analysis illustrate that tax policy in housing security is feasible .

  9. 论证政策的可行性;

    Feasibility to testify policy .

  10. 笔者分别从我国和延安市分析延续和调整退耕还林政策的可行性和必要性。

    The author respectively analysis the feasibility of the extension and adjustment , necessity of converting cultivated land into forest .

  11. 黄河下游滩区享受蓄滞洪区运用政策补偿可行性研究

    Feasibility studies on applying compensation policies of flood retention and storage areas in flood plain areas in the lower reaches of the Yellow River

  12. 我国实行战略性贸易政策的可行性分析使用电影进行英语教学的可行性及策略(英文)

    An Analysis on the Feasibility of the Application of Strategic Trade Policy in China ; Feasibility and Strategies for ESL Teaching through Movies ;

  13. 论文的研究成果对于拥挤定价政策的可行性研究,以及分析拥挤定价政策对城市交通的影响具有一定的现实意义。

    It is useful to the feasibility study of traffic congestion pricing . And the study of congestion pricing impact has practical significance to city traffic .

  14. 第四章是启示与建议部分,根据前几章的研究结果结合中国的外汇储备实际提出了一些与外汇管理有关的政策及可行性建议。

    In the fifth chapter , there is some enlightenment and propose , proposing some policy and feasibility related to exchange control in according to the research of foreign exchange reserve above combining the reality of China .

  15. 围绕BaselⅡ能否被各国接受以及最终付诸实施后存在哪些问题,经济学家和各大金融研究机构关注的焦点主要集中在两个问题上,即亲周期性和国际政策协调的可行性。

    Surrounding whether Basel can be accepted by all the countries and the possible problems of its final carrying out , the focus of attention of economists and researchers of financial institutions has been on the kin-cyclicity and the feasibility of coordinating international policies .

  16. 本文旨在探讨以经济学作为立法政策基础之可行性与实用性。

    This paper aims to explore the application of law and economics in public policy and legislation .

  17. 本文通过考察我国企业资本的所有制结构,论证了上述政策的不可行性。

    Based on a review of capital ownership structure of Chinese enterprises this paper analyzes the unfeasibility of the aforementioned policy .

  18. 碳税的开征具有理论基础,在政策上具有可行性,并且国外的碳税实践为我国提供了借鉴。

    Levying carbon tax lays on the theoretical basis ; Levying carbon tax is feasible in policy ; Foreign carbon tax practices provide references for our country .

  19. 为日照市政府在制定城市规划方案时提供可参考性的建议,及制定政策时作为可行性的分析依据,以促进城市营销的顺利开展。当今,体育已成为社会不可分割的一部分。

    And the paper is also to provide the municipal government with advice and basis of a better city marketing plan . Nowadays , sports have been an indivisible part of a city .

  20. 不过,从大学生村官期满流动的现实情况来说,这五条政策性出路可行性比较低,而且很大一部分大学生村官认为期满出路不顺畅。

    But , from undergraduate village officials ' current situation of expiration flow , effects of those five policy ways are relatively low , and a large part of undergraduate village officials think the ways for expiration are not smooth .

  21. 本文力求在研究上与江苏新兴产业的发展实际结合得紧密一些,提出的政策建议具有可行性。

    Emerging industries in Jiangsu existing policies , and the need to introduce new policy ideas . This paper seeks to research and development of new industries in Jiangsu too closely with a number of practical , feasible policy recommendations .

  22. 文章旨在从这三个条件出发,对战略性贸易政策在我国可行性进行探讨。

    This essay discusses the possibility of applying this policy in China proceeded from the three conditions .

  23. 为此,本文提出人力资本股权化思路,并对其理论依据、政策依据、现实可行性以及具体的实施构想进行详细的论述。

    Therefore , the concept of human capital capitalized in stocks is put forward in this article and the theoretic foundation , policy ground , practical feasibility and implementary plan will be discussed in details .

  24. 笔者分析了加工贸易国内采购、物流配送现状,并指出了制约因素,在借鉴国外经验及国内课题成果的基础上提出政策改革方向和可行性建议。

    The author analyzed the current circumstance and unfavorable factors of domestic purchasing and logistics industry in processing trade and demonstrates the direction of reform and feasible advice on the basis of successful foreign experience and outcome of domestic researcher .

  25. 本文利用文献分析方法,回顾了我国卫生管理职业化研究概况,包括卫生管理职业化的概念、必要性和重要性、现状、政策与措施、可行性、存在的困难以及国际比较研究等方面。

    Based on the literature analysis method , the present study on health management professionalism in China is reviewed , involved in the evolution of the concept , necessity , significance , present situation , policy and measurement , difficulties and international comparative study .

  26. 通过对90年代以来我国区域经济合作的具体实践进行总结和分析,论证分析我国推动地区经济技术合作政策的合理性和可行性。

    Based on the summary and analysis of the policy framework and the practice of regional cooperation nationwide in China in the 1990s , this paper aims at evaluating the rationality and prospect of the national policy of promoting regional economic and technical cooperation .

  27. 最后,本文为完善强制性会计政策变更的相关政策提出了一些可行性建议。

    Finally , this paper for perfecting the mandatory accounting policy change policies put forward some feasible suggestions .

  28. 农民工医疗保险政策尚处在探索中,客观上需要进行政策可行性分析。

    Medical insurance for workers form rural areas is still in research , and it is needed analysis of feasibility .

  29. 货币政策效应的非对称性与紧缩时期我国货币政策中介目标的可行性研究

    Study of None-Symmetrical Quality of Monetary Policy Effect and Feasibility of Meso-objectives of Monetary Policy in the Period of Deflation in China

  30. 任何单一的交通政策都有其局限性,必须采取综合政策,需要统筹兼顾政策措施的技术可行性、社会公平性与公众可接受性。

    As the limitation of single traffic policy , the optimization should take the comprehensive policy , consideration to the technical feasibility , social equality and the public acceptability .