
The New Edition of the Economic Evaluation Methods and Parameter Summary About Construction Projects
Advices for Revising " Economic Evaluation Methods and Parameters for Construction Projects in Petroleum Industry "
To overcome the disadvantages of " Post and Telecom Construction Project Economic Evaluation Approaches and Parameters ", suggestions are given .
According to the methodology of economic evaluation and parameter of national construction project , writer estimates the project investment in detail , so as to study the financial affairs preliminary feasibility ;
The paper proposed some suggestions and ideas on improving evaluation of investment project including modify of method and index of economic evaluation of construction projects and establishing new evaluation system for feasibility study and project assessment .
This paper developed a method and steps for financial affairs assessment of water supply project based on the principles in the economic assessment method and parameters of construction project . The case study is also provided in this paper .
This paper gives some comments and suggestions on the processing of land occupancy right in cost estimation of the investment project economic evaluation which involved in The Economic Evaluation Methods and Parameters for Construction Project ( 3rd edition ) .
In the capital economic appraisal of projects , the shadow prices of the traded goods as inputs and outputs have been defined in The Economic Evaluation of Construction Projects-The Methods and Parameters .
At present , the guidelines of financial evaluation of a project are mainly based on the Methodology and Parameter of Economic Evaluation of a Project ( MPEAP ), the Second Edition issued in 1993 by State Planning Commission and Ministry of Construction .