
  1. 在总结太原供电局EMS系统和调度MIS系统综合建设前期工作的基础上,阐述了EMS系统与MIS系统综合建设的优势和实施方法。

    Based on previous works of the synthetic construction of MIS and EMS for Taiyuan Power Supply Bureau , the advantages for synthetic construction of MIS and EMS are stated .

  2. 确保公路建设前期工作质量的看法

    Opinion of road construction prophase work quality to be guaranteed

  3. 对公路建设前期工作质量的几点看法

    Several Opinions About Prophase Work Quality In Road Construction

  4. 关于加强我省公路建设前期工作的几点意见

    Some Advice on Strengthening Highway Construction Initial Work

  5. 遥感技术在我国水电建设前期工作中的应用

    The application of remote sensing technique to the hydro-electric construction of earlier stage in China

  6. 工程可行性研究是工程建设前期工作的重要步骤,是编制建设项目设计任务书的重要依据。

    The feasibility study for a project is the key stage before the whole project construction .

  7. 小水电项目开发建设前期工作刍议

    A rustic opinion for prior period works of the local small sized hydropower project development and construction

  8. 物流园项目规划是物流园建设前期工作的重要环节,是指导物流园区建设的重要依据。

    Logistics park project planning logistics park construction prophase work important link , is the important basis of guiding the construction of logistics park .

  9. 工程预可行性分析是桥梁和隧道建设前期工作的重点组成部分,往往成为项目立项的控制性因素。

    Project pre-feasibility analysis , a crucial part of bridge and tunnel preparatory work construction , often becomes a controlling factor of a project .

  10. 水电规划是水电建设前期工作的首要环节,是关系水电战略目标和战略布局的一项重要工作。

    The hydropower planning is the first link of the antecedent work of hydropower development and is an important work relating to the strategic goals and arrangement of hydropower .

  11. 投资估算是基本建设前期工作的重要内容之一,是项目可行性研究和投资决策的重要依据。

    Investment estimation is one of the key works in the primary period of basic construction project . It is also the important basis for feasibility study and investment decision .

  12. 2008年以来,在国家能源局的组织下,以各省风能资源普查及风电建设前期工作为基础,七个千万千瓦级风电基地规划相继完成。

    Since 2008 , the organization of the National Energy Bureau under the Census and wind energy resources to the provinces the construction of wind power based on preliminary work , seven million kilowatts of wind power base in planning have been completed .

  13. 企业MIS建设的前期工作

    The earlier work of the building of EMIS

  14. 高速公路建设项目前期工作程序及实践分析

    Analysis on Procedure and Practice of Initial work of Hunan Expressway

  15. 加强投资控制提高投资效益&工程建设项目前期工作中存在的问题及对策

    Some Problems and Countermeasures in Construction Project on Early Stage

  16. 公路建设项目前期工作程序管理的研究

    Study on the Management of Highway Project Preparation Procedures

  17. 浅谈企业信息化建设的前期工作

    Preparatory Efforts for the Construction of Informatization in Enterprises

  18. 市场经济下中小矿山建设的前期工作

    On earlier stage work of medium and smaller mine construction under market economy

  19. 国家投资体制改革对石油建设项目前期工作的影响

    Effect of the State Investment System Reform on the Preliminary Engineering in Petroleum Construction Project

  20. 基于目标管理、再造工程理论的电网建设项目前期工作探讨

    Preparatory Work Discussion on Power Grid Construction Project Based on Target Management & Reconstruction Project Theory

  21. 运量预测工作在交通工程建设的前期工作中处于十分重要的地位。

    Fortune capacity forecasting work is in the very important position in the earlier stage work of traffic engineering construction .

  22. 项目可行性研究是项目建设的前期工作之一,也是进行公路建设决策的有力支持系统。

    Project feasibility study is one of the early stage of project construction , but also to road construction , a powerful decision-making support system .

  23. 港口建设项目前期工作,主要包括预可行性研究、项目建议书、工程可行性研究、设计计划任务书和初步设计。

    The earlier stage work in harbour construction projects mainly involves preliminary feasibility study , project proposal , engineering feasibility study , statement of design tasks and preliminary design .

  24. 园区征地、拆迁、基础设施建设等前期工作由园区所在地的县市帮助协调解决。

    The county and city where the part is located will help coordinate and resolve the preliminary works such as land takeover , removal and infrastructure construction will be resolved .

  25. 文章从以下几方面作了较详细的论述,可供有关人员参考:切实做好建设项目前期工作,不断完善项目评价方法与参数;

    According to this problem , from following few aspects , we have made more detailed exposition , for relevant people reference : Making the construction project working , unceasing perfect project assessment technique and parameter of early stage are the key for risk analysis .

  26. 长期以来,建设项目前期工作滞后,前期方案深度不够,建设项目三超现象严重等一直是困扰投资管理者的问题。

    For a long term , the construction project work of early stage hysteresis , the scheme depth of early stage is not enough , project " 3 exceed " phenomenon serious etc. , it is the problem that has puzzled investment management for years .

  27. 电力基本建设程序和前期工作

    Capital Construction Procedure and It 's Previous Work for Electric Power Industry

  28. 太原市城市建设项目前期拆迁工作的开展思路

    On ideas to extend prophase demolition work of urban construction projects in Taiyuan

  29. 安徽电网建设项目前期管理工作的创新与效益

    Innovation on Power Grid Construction Project Management at Preliminary Stage in Anhui Province

  30. 项目经济性评价是工程建设项目前期研究工作中的重要环节。

    The project economic evaluation is an important link of engineering construction projects ' pilot studies .