
zhàn lüè qínɡ bào
  • strategic intelligence
  1. 分析intelligence的四个研究方面内容,即军事与安全情报,战略情报,科技与技术经济情报,企业情报。

    This paper analyzes the four aspects of intelligence study , which include military and security intelligence , strategic intelligence , sci-tech and economic intelligence , and business ( competitive ) intelligence as well .

  2. 亚太旅游协会战略情报部门负责人约翰·科尔多斯基(JohnKoldowski)说,该协会认为2009年年底将是这个地区旅游业的一个转折点。

    PATA 's strategic intelligence director , John Koldowski says the association sees late 2009 as a " turning point " for the regional travel industry .

  3. 这种努力可以追溯到中央情报局之前的战略情报局(OfficeofStrategicServices,OSS)。

    Such efforts go back to the Office of Strategic Services , which came before the CIA .

  4. 亚太旅游者协会的战略情报中心主任张科德说,对经济增长预测偏低,商业信心的丧失以及H1N1病毒的传播都对商务旅游和休闲旅游造成了伤害。

    John Koldowski , PATA 's director of strategic intelligence , says lower economic growth forecasts combined with a loss of business confidence and the spreading H1N1 flu virus have hurt both the business and leisure travel markets .

  5. 中国科学院战略情报研究工作的发展模式研究

    Development Model of Strategic Information Research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  6. 试析影响国家战略情报分析的因素

    Preliminary Analysis for the Factors of Influence on National Strategic Intelligence Analysis

  7. 学科战略情报研究方法与实践

    The Method and Application of Strategic Discipline Information Research

  8. 战略情报研究人员关键信息识别能力研究

    Key Information Recognition of Strategic Intelligence Researchers Analysis

  9. 国内外科学院思想库战略情报咨询活动比较研究

    A Comparative Research on the Strategic Intelligence Consulting Activity of Global Academy of Sciences

  10. 你在战略情报局,而你却不是间谍?

    You were in the Office of Strategic Services and you were not spies ?

  11. 国内外科技战略情报研究现状及我国的发展建议

    Condition of S & T Strategic Intelligence Research and Proposal to the Development of Our Country

  12. 文献计量法作为一种定量的文献统计分析方法已经越来越多地被应用在战略情报研究中。

    As a quantitative literature statistics method , the bibliometrical method has been increasingly used in strategic intelligence research .

  13. 从战略情报局到中央情报组&战后美国情报机构的第一次改革英国专门图书馆和情报机构协会

    From the Strategic Intelligence Service to the Central Intelligence Group ; Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux , Aslib

  14. 国家战略情报分析无法摆脱来自决策机制的宏观环境影响,同时也深受战略情报分析人员个体微观因素的影响。

    It is impossible that the national strategic intelligence analysis gets rid of influences from decision-making mechanism and intelligence analysts themselves .

  15. 战略情报副总裁罗杰贝克讨论了中国的第一艘航空母舰即将发动的军事和政治影响。

    Vice President of Strategic Intelligence Rodger Baker discusses the military and political implications of the imminent launching of China 's first aircraft carrier .

  16. 他加入战略情报服务局、秘密服务局为反法西斯战争工作。

    He joined in the Office of War Information ( OWI ) and the Office of Secret Services ( OSS ) for the cause of anti-fascism .

  17. 他曾是美国战略情报局(中央情报局前身)的间谍,在二战末期被派往东南亚。

    He was an agent for the OSS , the precursor to the CIA , posted to South-East Asia at the end of the second world war .

  18. 阐述学科战略情报研究的内涵、主要内容、研究层面、研究的理论基础与方法;

    Combined with the practice of strategic discipline information research , the author expounds on the connotation , content , research levels , theoretical basis and methods of strategic discipline information research .

  19. 论述战略情报研究的概念及特点,指出战略情报研究服务于战略决策。阐明中国科学院发展战略情报研究的意义,探讨中国科学院发展战略情报研究工作的模式。

    Discusses the concept and characteristics of strategic information research , points out that the strategic information research should serve for strategy decision , and studies the development model of strategic information research in CAS .

  20. 从文献信息服务、检索咨询服务、战略情报研究服务三个层次分析了汽车企业情报信息服务工作的内涵,阐述了知识经济时代,作为技术密集型产业的汽车企业情报信息工作的重要性。

    Based on the analysis of three levels of information and intelligence services in auto company such as information resources supplying , retrieving & consulting service and strategy intelligence , the importance of information services and research for auto industry in knowledge economy times is described .

  21. 雷小山是战略市场情报公司中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearchGroup)的创始人兼董事总经理。

    Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of China Market Research Group , a strategic market intelligence firm focused on China .

  22. 基于协同战略的情报分析与决策支持系统的设计

    Design of the Coordination Strategy-based Information Analysis and Decision Support System

  23. 文章从文献检索知识的传授与情报意识的树立及高教改革的战略与情报检索意识的强化两个方面进行了论述。

    Two aspects are discussed in detail : Impartation of retrieval knowledge and establish of information consciousness strategy of education reform and enhance of retrieval consciousness .

  24. 面向高技术企业标准战略的竞争情报研究

    Study on Standard Competitive Intelligence Oriented to Standard Strategy of High-Tech Enterprises

  25. 从原有的按需信息服务的概念出发,分析了战略模拟对情报分析、信息可视化服务的内在需求,提出将情报分析与信息可视化服务引入到战略模拟系统的按需信息服务结构中。

    Starting from the original concept of Information on Demand ( IOD ), the real demands of intelligence analysis information visualization services in the strategic simulation was probed into , and the intelligence analysis information visualization services was brought forward into the IOD structure .

  26. CI是企业的基本战略,将各种情报讯息活动加以统合的CI政策是形成企业形象的重要因素。

    CI is the basic strategy of enterprise .

  27. 组织战略信息系统用户情报行为研究

    Study on Information Behavior of User of Organization Strategic Information System

  28. 高校重大战略决策的竞争情报支持研究&以重点学科建设为例

    Application of Competitive Intelligence to Major Strategic Decision-making in College

  29. 企业战略联盟的竞争情报研究

    Research on Competitive Intelligence of Enterprise Strategic Alliance

  30. 在管理变革的阶段,竞争情报是构成企业经营资源和核心能力的重要因素。还提出了基于战略管理的竞争情报作用的未来趋势。

    This thesis also puts forward that the future role trends of CI based on strategic management .