
  • 网络strategic rigidity
  1. 本研究主要得到了以下结论:1.揭示出动态环境下企业战略刚性的形成及其对企业的负面效应。

    This research obtains the following conclusions : 1 . It reveales the formation of business strategic rigidity and its negative effects on the enterprises in dynamic environment .

  2. 认为资产专用性、组织结构稳固性、文化组织记忆性、企业家认知惯性是促使战略刚性形成的主要因素。

    The viewpoint held is that the asset-specific , the stability of organizational structure , the memory of cultural organizations , and cognitive inertia , which are all main factors to promote the formation strategic rigidity .

  3. 战略刚性一旦形成,就会对企业产生负面效应:导致企业缺乏应变能力、创新动力不足和经营业绩下滑。

    Once strategic rigidity is formed , the negative effects on the enterprises will emerge : leading to a lack of adaptability of enterprises , a shortage of engine of innovation and the decline in business achievement .

  4. 贸易条件的恶化和长期坚持比较优势战略产生的产业刚性限制了我国产业的升级,比较优势战略不再适合指导我国经济的发展。

    Trade condition exacerbation and industry rigidity from comparative advantage strategy restrict upgrading of our country industry , the comparative advantage strategy unfit for national economy development .