
jiè chǐ
  • ferule;teacher's ruler for beating pupils;paddle;plamer;teacher's ruler for beating the students
戒尺 [jiè chǐ]
  • [ferule;teacher's ruler for beating the students] 旧时老师用以责打学校儿童的用具

戒尺[jiè chǐ]
  1. 小时候他没少被老师用戒尺打。

    The teacher often beat him with a ferule when he was young .

  2. 戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。

    The ferule is used for conversion , tonsure , ordination and parlance .

  3. 你犯了这样大的错误,光用戒尺不能解决问题。

    No mere ferule will answer for this offence .

  4. 他们惯坏了戒尺,爱惜了孩子,而且热烈期望有好结果。

    They spoiled their rods , spared their children , and anticipated the results with enthusiasm .

  5. 维纳斯向那些仍然受纪律和戒尺约束的男孩子提供了决心和勇气。

    Venus herself supplies resolution and boldness to boys still subject to discipline and the rod .

  6. 他臂下夹着戒尺在教室里来回走动。

    He was walking up and down the classroom with a heavy ruler under his arm .

  7. 他手中的教鞭和戒尺现在很少闲着,至少对那些年龄较小的同学可以这么说。

    His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now & at least among the smaller pupils .

  8. 旧社会老师经常用戒尺打不听话的学生的手指头。

    In the old society the teacher often cracked the disobedient pupil 's fingers with his ruler .

  9. 老师在教室里踱来踱去,胳膊下夹着铁戒尺,手里拿着书。

    The master was walking up and down the room with the iron ruler under his arm and a book in his hand .

  10. 在他上一年级的时候,如果回答问题不正确的话,老师就会用戒尺在他的手掌上打10下。

    He started school in the first grade , where the remedy for a wrong answer was ten rule r strokes across a stretched palm .

  11. 透过敞开的窗户,我看见同学们已经整整齐齐地坐在他们的座上,阿麦尔先生腋下夹着那把可怕的铁戒尺,来回地踱着步子。

    Through the open window I saw my comrades already in their places , and Monsieur Hamel walking back and forth with the terrible iron ruler under his arm .

  12. 因而,司法审查需要量身定做一把戒尺,规范其深入的程度,调整其在合理适当的位置上,即需要确定对行政裁量司法审查的标准。

    Therefore , judicial review need a tailored ruler to regulate its application scope and make sure itself on the reasonable and proper position , namely , to determine the judicial review norm of administrative discretion .