
  1. 无相戒法的倡导,使得南宗禅在会昌法难及唐末五代离乱后开出抖落陈规、自由自在地寻求人生安立与解脱的新路。

    The Wuxiang enabled Southern Zen Buddhism to create a new way to find human peace and in a new and free manner after the Huichang Calamity and the tumult of the late Tang and the subsequent Five Eras .

  2. 三昧耶戒是密法修行者根本戒律,违反此戒律所修犹如沙中起塔,石山播种,终不能有成。

    Samaya is the root precept for an Esoteric Buddhist ; breaching samaya is like building stupa on sands and seeding on a tor , one will toil in vain .