
jiè yán
  • impose a curfew;enforce martial law;cordon off an area;guard against
戒严 [jiè yán]
  • (1) [enfocre martial law;impose a curfew]∶国家遇到非常情况时在全国或局部地区采取严格的警戒措施。如增设警卫,加强巡逻,组织搜查,限制交通等

  • 从本月10日起对该城实行戒严

  • (2) [guard against]∶警戒;戒备

戒严[jiè yán]
  1. 戒严令现已解除。

    Martial law has now been lifted .

  2. 在戒严时,警方无需指控或逮捕令就可以逮捕嫌疑人。

    Under the state of siege , the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants .

  3. 警察在车站戒严,搜捕逃犯。

    The police cordoned off the railway station to search for the escaped prisoner .

  4. 戒严就是证明英方在做困兽之门。

    And martial law only shows how desperate the British are .

  5. 俄国国会被迫休会并宣布戒严。

    The Russian parliament was suspended and martial law was declared .

  6. 戒严期间不准让任何人进入。

    Nobody is allowed to let in during the curfew .

  7. 广场戒严了,不准通车。

    The square is under martial law , no car can go over .

  8. 可是英方有藉口在孟加拉实施戒严了。

    But it gave them an excuse to impose martial law throughout bengal .

  9. 这个国家目前在戒严中。

    The country is now under martial law .

  10. 别纳凉了!回来宣布戒严。

    Get off your butt , get down here * And declare martial law .

  11. 戒严法、公共卫生应急法等单行的紧急状态专门法;

    Specific laws , such as martial law , law concerning public health etc. ;

  12. 安全部队接到命令,可以对任何进入戒严区的人开枪。

    Security forces have orders to shoot anyone trying to enter the curfew zone .

  13. 他说,在暂停戒严期间,塔利班没有阻止人们离开。

    He said the Taliban did not prevent people from leaving during the suspended curfew .

  14. 组织实施戒严的机关称为戒严实施机关。

    The organ that organizes execution of martial law is referred to as martial-law-executing organ .

  15. 我们应该以此为出发点,为戒严法重新定位、修订我国现行的戒严法。

    Therefore , basing on this point , Martial Law should be amended to definite it anew .

  16. 1981年12月戒严法实施后,莱赫被拘禁了10个月。

    After the imposition of martial law in December 1981 , he was interned for ten months .

  17. 非常法制体系中的戒严法&兼谈我国戒严法的修改

    Martial Law of Legal System in Special Situations & proposal about the amendment to martial law of China

  18. 戒严执勤人员执行戒严任务时,应当佩带由戒严实施机关统一规定的标志。

    When performing martial law tasks , martial-law-enforcing officers shall wear uniform insignias as required by the martial-law-executing organ .

  19. 一个月来华界早宣布了戒严,开会是绝对禁止的。

    The Chinese section of Shanghai had been under martial law for the last month , and meetings were absolutely prohibited .

  20. 6种针叶树活枝叶在森林防火戒严期的燃烧性比较

    Comparative study on combustibility of living branches and leaves of six coniferous woody plants during the prohibitive period of forest fire

  21. 它们是喜欢掌控一切的,把每一样东西都纳入自己控制中,或许会为保证控制权而采用军事戒严的手段。

    They would love to be in charge , everything under control , and may try to ensure this with Martial Law .

  22. 之后,小规模的各种抗租抗税活动在整个州蔓延开来,到1845年,州长被迫宣布实施戒严法。

    Sporadic acts of resistance against rent and tax collection spread across the state , and in1845 the governor declared martial law .

  23. 现在人们相信伦敦塔晚上是戒严的,只有持有通行证的人才能出入。

    The Tower is now deemed secure for the night , and only those equipped with the password may come and go .

  24. 这些被批评者们称为专用车道的道路从下周三起便开始戒严,违反规定的司机将面临130英镑的罚款。

    Dubbed Zil lanes by critics , they come into force on Wednesday next week . Drivers who transgress face a 130 fine .

  25. 因此,军事戒严只会在那些富裕的飞地里成为现实,而此处是由最有实力者和最残酷无情的人统治着。

    Thus , Martial Law will become a reality only for those rich enclaves , where the strongest and most ruthless will rule .

  26. 采取严密的戒备措施。且由于戒严法的严格规范,社区和团体也无法组织起来保护他们拥有的资源和环境。

    Due to the draconian measures of martial law , the communities and groups also could not organize themselves to protect their resources and their environment .

  27. 我不带偏见地对旁遮普戒严法进行过研究,我相信,被定罪的人中,至少95%以上是冤枉的。

    My unbiased examination of the Punjab Martial Law cases has led me to believe that at least ninety-five per cent of convictions were wholly bad .

  28. 我曾在这里关了8个月,他说。他指的是20世纪80年代初台湾戒严期间的一段时间。

    I was locked up here for eight months , he said , referring to a spell during Taiwan 's martial law period in the early 1980s .

  29. (十六)决定省、自治区、直辖市的范围内部分地区的戒严;

    ( 16 ) to decide on the imposition of martial law in parts of provinces , autonomous regions , and municipalities directly under the Central Government ;

  30. 为何有些从十几岁开始吸烟的人,一辈子都摆脱不了香烟,而其他人戒严却相对容易呢?

    Why are some people who start smoking in their early teens hooked on cigarettes for life , while others find it relatively easy to give up ?