
zǒng sǔn hào
  • total losses;wastage in bulk or weight
总损耗[zǒng sǔn hào]
  1. 单片电工钢片/带比总损耗测量装置

    Single sheet apparatus for measuring specific total losses of magnetic sheet and strip

  2. 在电机中,铁心损耗作为不变损耗,占了总损耗的较大比重。

    In the motors , iron losses account for a larger proportion of the total losses .

  3. 与对高起始磁导率态所得的结果比较表明,导致低Br态的横向场退火使过剩损耗明显降低,从而明显地降低了总损耗。

    By comparison with the results obtained for high initial permeability state , the annealing in a transverse field leading to low B r state substantially reduces the excess loss , thus resulting in the obvious decrease in the total loss .

  4. 第二章介绍了时间衰减法测量无源谐振腔总损耗的原理。

    Chapter two introduces the theory of optical cavity decay time method .

  5. 测量电工钢片比总损耗的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty evaluation during measure of the total loss ratio for electrical steel sheet

  6. 计算结果提供优化前后的有功总损耗大小、电容器组状态和变压器分接头位置。

    Computed results will provide the active power losses , shunt capacitor states and transformer tap values .

  7. 基于面向工程的基准模型,详细地研究了导磁、非导磁钢的不同的损耗行为,指出导磁钢中的磁滞损耗是其总损耗的不可忽略的部分。

    Based on benchmark models , the loss behavior of both magnetic and non-magnetic steel is studied in detail .

  8. 本实用新型具有漏磁损耗小、总损耗低、运行可靠性高等优点。

    The utility model has the advantages of small magnetic-leakage loss , low total loss , high operational reliability , etc.

  9. 空载损耗、负载损耗的偏差不超过+15%,总损耗的偏差不超过+10%。

    The deviations of no-load loss and load loss shall not exceed + 15 % and that of total loss shall not exceed + 10 % .

  10. 实验结果表明该节能控制系统利用就地电容补偿原理,降低了抽油机的总损耗,提高了工作效率和功率因数,具有较好的节能效果。

    Experiments result shows that this control system increase work efficiency and power factor by applying nearby capacitance compensation theory . The control system processes fine saving energy effect .

  11. 在低频小规模微带电路中,电路的损耗可忽略不计。但是随着频率的升高和电路规模的增大,电路中的总损耗会越来越大,进而对电路性能产生不可忽视的影响。

    However , as frequency and circuit scale increase , the total loss accumulated in the large-scale circuits becomes bigger , which will affect the performance of the microstrip circuits .

  12. 将总损耗分离为三部分后,仔细地考查了每周过剩损耗的非线性行为。

    According to the commonly used method , decomposing the total loss into the three components , we have carefully examined the non linear behavior of the excess loss per cycle .

  13. 经三个多月贮藏,总损耗控制在34.6%以下,可增加经济收入5060%。

    After three months , the proportion of the total loss of the stored apples is well controlled below 3 4.6 % , and the economic income has increased by 50 60 % .

  14. 结果表明:优化后变压器油箱涡流密度分布更加均匀,总损耗降低了4%,但是体积却增加不多,能够为工程实际所接受;

    Optimization result through subproblem approximation optimization technique indicates eddy current density more uniformly distributed in tank and total losses decrease 4 % , but shielding volume adds little , which can be accepted by practical engineering .

  15. 通过分析导体直径对导体交、直流损耗的影响,得出在电流频率和幅值一定时,导体总损耗随导体直径变化存在极小值的结论。

    Through the analysis of influence on AC and DC loss by conductor diameter , get conclusion that there is a minimum value of conductor total loss which changed with diameter in certain current frequency and amplitude .

  16. 但是随着频率的升高和电路规模的增大,电路中单个器件损耗叠加起来的总损耗会越来越大,对电路性能造成了一定影响,特别在毫米波段,更是不容忽视。

    However , as frequency and circuit scale increase , the total loss accumulated in the large-scale circuits becomes bigger , which will affect the performance of the microstrip circuits , especially in millimeter wave . In this way , it is thus impossible to neglect the losses .

  17. 热在转换成某种能量时总有损耗。

    Heat can never be converted into a certain energy without something Iost .

  18. 输出功率决不可能等于输入功率因为总有损耗。

    The output power can never equal the input power , for there are always losses .

  19. 资源优化算法可以在满足用户需求的前提下,降低异构网络的总功率损耗,并抑制网络总干扰功率。

    Resource optimization algorithms reduce the power consumption and suppress the total interference power level of the network , while satisfy the users demands .

  20. 在夏热冬冷地区,外墙的耗热量约占居住建筑总热量损耗的20%~30%,因此,居住建筑墙体节能设计研究有着重要的现实意义。

    In Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone , nearly 20 to 30 percent of total thermal loss in residential buildings is caused by the wall .

  21. 提出了无功最小费用流的数学模型,其中以总电压损耗最小为目标。

    The minimum cost of the reactive power flow model is proposed , in which the total amount of voltage drops is taken as the objective function .

  22. 在该方案中,中继节点的选择中考虑了节点的剩余能量与信道质量以实现节点间的公平性,功率分配以最小化总功率损耗为目标。

    In the proposed scheme , the relay selection scheme considered the residual energy and channel conditions so that fairness among the nodes will be achieved , and the power allocation scheme aimed to achieve minimum power consumption in the whole network .

  23. HVDC换流变压器总运行负载损耗的计算

    Calculation of total service load-loss for HVDC converter transformer

  24. 同时工作总的衍射损耗>80%。

    On working The total diffraction loss for simultaneous operation is greater than 80 % .

  25. 在线网架优化的方法是以系统有关的在线运行目标参数:总有功负荷,总无功负荷,总有功损耗,总无功损耗,开关操作次数等为安全经济指标,确定某一时刻的最优网架。

    On-line network optimization method is based on the target parameters of total active power , total reactive power , total power loss , total reactive power loss , the number of switching operation , etc. as the safety economic indicators , to determine the optimal network in a time .