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zǒng zhèng zhì bù
  • the General Political Department
总政治部[zǒng zhèng zhì bù]
  1. 总政治部负责管理全军党的工作,组织进行政治工作。

    The General Political Department administrates the army 's Party work and organizes and conducts its political work .

  2. 在总政治部领导下,各大军区、军兵种一定要把这件事情办好。

    We must see to it that , under the leadership of the General Political Department , all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work .

  3. 政治机关制度规定,军队团级以上部队和单位设立政治部(处),全军设总政治部;

    The political organ system stipulates that a political department ( section ) shall be set up in a unit at or above the regiment level , and a general political department for the PLA ;

  4. 比如,总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部三大总部为什么机构这样大?

    For example , why should the three general departments , the Headquarters of the General Staff , the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department , all have such big establishments ?

  5. 对落实教育部、总参谋部、总政治部制订的《学生军事训练工作规定》文件精神,促进高校军事课质量的提高是大胆有益的探索,具有较强的应用价值。

    It is of benefit to implement the spirits of the documents formulated by the General Staff Headquarters and General Political Department , and improve the teaching and learning of the Higher education military courses .

  6. 中央军委通过总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部对全军实施作战指挥和建设领导。

    Through the General Staff Headquarters , the General Political Department , the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department , the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA .