
  • 网络Bus Bandwidth;Bus Width;bus band width
  1. 实验结果表明,VoD系统的最大输出码率和最大并发流数等性能指标受到磁盘性能、磁盘阵列调度、内存容量和接口总线带宽的综合影响。

    The experiment shows that the system performance , the maximal throughput and concurrent stream number , are influenced by the combination of disk performance , the redundant arrays of inexpensive disk scheduler , the memory capacity and the bandwidth of interface bus .

  2. 从理论上分析了用户的缓冲区分配原则、端口总线带宽、用户最大服务等待时间和最小缓冲区数量等工作参数。

    The method to allocate the data buffers , port bandwidth , maximum user waiting time and minimum user buffer requirements are analyzed theoretically .

  3. 采用旁路计算机系统内存,打破了记录系统的数据传输仅为二分之一PCI总线带宽的速度限制,有效地提高了PCI总线上设备之间的传输率。

    Thus the transmission rate between the various equipment of PCI bus has been effectively improved .

  4. 研究结果表明,该算法能够实现LIN总线带宽利用率的最优解,并能进一步降低LIN总线的总线负载率。

    The results indicate that this algorithm can not only achieve the optimal bandwidth utilization of LIN bus , but also reduce the busload of LIN bus .

  5. 数据采集卡部分使用使用DSP来作采集卡CPU具有指令执行速度快、总线带宽高、可以完成数据的高速实时处理等优点。

    The Digital Signal Processing which is regarded as CPU on board has some advantages , such as fast instruction execution , high bus bandwidth , and high speed real-time data processing .

  6. 传统的基于工控机与采集卡的图像压缩处理系统,其性能受到工控机CPU速度和总线带宽的限制,且成本较高,可扩展性较差。

    Besides the high cost and poor extensibility , the performance of traditional image compression and processing systems based on industrial computers are limit to the CPU speeds and bus bandwidths .

  7. 本文针对传统的数据采集系统中存在的总线带宽、传输速度等瓶颈问题,提出了并实现了一个基于PCI总线的200M数据采集系统。

    To the bottleneck problems of bus bandwidth and transmission speed in traditional data acquiring systems , this paper presents and implements a 200M data acquiring system based on PCI bus .

  8. ARTCS简单、易用,有效地利用了总线带宽。

    The implementation of the ARTCS is simple , easy to use , and effective for the utilization of bus link .

  9. 传统的并行总线带宽已不能满足当前系统的需求,取而代之的是以PCIE为核心的第三代高速串行总线。

    The traditional parallel bus bandwidth can no longer meet the needs of the current system , and is replaced by the third generation of high-speed serial bus which takes PCIE as the core .

  10. 首先,通过理论推导,得到了LCDC总线带宽占用率的计算公式,并给出了实际的软硬件测试平台。

    Firstly , after the theory discursion , the expressions of bus bandwidth occupancy of LCDC are given , and the practical software and hardware test platform is present .

  11. PCI-Express不仅能够满足极大输入输出总线带宽的要求,同时在桌面系统、移动系统、服务器、通讯系统、工作站、嵌入式系统中也能很好的得到应用。

    PCI-Express can not only satisfy the requirement of huge I / O bandwidth , but also can be applied to desktop system , mobile system , server , communication system , work station and embedded system brilliantly .

  12. 该体系结构有效地降低了网络化控制系统中对总线带宽的需求,可以实现对控制信息的分级处理和实时的伺服控制。

    This architecture effectively reduces the bandwidth requirement for networked servo system , and can implement hierarchical control information processing and real-time servocontrol .

  13. 若要将此类软件移植到手机平台上,将要受到手机运算速度、存储空间量和总线带宽等因素的限制。

    The transplantation of such software to cellphone platform would be limited by factors as operation speed of cellphone , memory space and bus bandwidth .

  14. 本文设计和实现了具有PCI总线峰值带宽传输能力的光互连网络接口卡。

    In this paper , an optical network interface card with PCI bus peak bandwidth transmission rate has been designed and implemented .

  15. 在不需要CAN总线的带宽和多功能的场合,使用LIN总线可大大节省成本。

    LIN bus is applied in the situations that do not need the high bandwidth and multi-function . And LIN bus will save a lot of cost .

  16. 随着FCS的发展和广泛应用,用户对现代工业控制总线的带宽、传输距离、冗余能力、可靠性和性价比的要求越来越强烈。

    With the rapid development and widely utilization of the FCS , users get more and more expectation on a better performance in industrial control bus bandwidth , transmitting distance , redundancy ability , reliability , and performance to cost ratio .

  17. 我们所设计实现的用户级通信库适用于共享存储机群环境,可以获得较好的性能:在PingPong测试程序下,最低单向延迟5.59μs,I/O总线的带宽利用率达到88%。

    We implemented a user-level communication library and achieved excellent performance : that under the PingPong benchmark , the lowest one-way latency is about 5.59 μ s , the bandwidth use-ratio of I / O bus is above 88 % .

  18. 随着航空电子系统的发展,目前通用的航空总线在带宽、实时性和可靠性方面已不能够满足机载电子系统的要求。

    With the development of avionics electronic system , the widely-used avionics communication network has been unable to meet the development needs for bandwidth , real-time and reliability .

  19. 我们对获得的初步结果进行了进一步的优化,优化后单向延迟平均下降了0.7μs,I/O总线的带宽利用率超过94%。

    We optimized the preliminary communication performance , and the optimized latency is 0.7 μ s lower on the whole , the bandwidth use-ratio of I / O bus is now above 94 % .

  20. 多传感器组网的分布式结构与集中式结构相比,可减少数据总线的带宽与数据处理的要求;同时易于现有的分散式多传感器系统的改造。

    The distributed structure of multisensor network , compared with the centralized structure , can decrease the bandwidth of data bus and the requirement of data process , and be easy to reconstruct the existed and decentralized multisensor system .

  21. 解决CAN现场总线在网络带宽利用率高时,数据传输的实时性问题,尤其是保证了低优先级信息的实时性;

    The real-time problem of the data transfer was solved and especially for the lower PRI information when the utility of controller area network ( CAN ) fieldbus was high .

  22. 随着计算机技术、数据通讯技术和网络技术的发展,航空电子系统进一步向通用化、模块化和开放化方向发展,对总线网络的带宽要求也越来越高。

    With computer technology , data communication and network technology development , avionics system of further generic , modular and open the direction of development of the bus network is also getting higher and higher bandwidth requirements .

  23. 在所有的嵌入式处理器互连方式中,PCI总线以其高带宽、通用性、成熟性以及低成本尤为引人瞩目。

    In all interconnect ways , PCI bus , with its high bandwidth , versatility , maturity and low cost , is particularly impressive .

  24. 多总线多处理机系统有效带宽分析

    Analysis of Effective Bandwidth of Multiple Bus Multiprocessor Systems

  25. 传统的微/小型计算机采用共享总线结构,其带宽、扩展性、可用性、可靠性等受到限制,因此,总线形成了系统内部通信瓶颈。

    Traditional micro and mini computer systems adopt the shared bus architecture with limited capabilities such as bandwidth , scalability , availability and reliability . Thus shared buses form the bottleneck for the system 's internal communications .

  26. 微处理器的数据总线和地址总线的带宽分别为多少?

    What is the uP data and address bus width ?

  27. 在总线设计上,分析总线任务的带宽需求。制订出多总线架构方案。

    For the OCB , through analyzing the bus bandwidth requirement , proposes the multi-buses architecture .

  28. 随着片上系统(Systemonchip,SoC)集成度的逐步提高,传统的总线结构的弊端逐渐暴露出来,比如总线带宽、全局同步等,而片上网络可以有效的解决这些问题。

    The reason for NoC has been designed is that with the steady growth of integration of System-on-Chip ( SoC ), the shortcomings of the traditional bus architecture have been exposed gradually . Such as bus bandwidth , global synchronization and so on .

  29. 针对LIN总线的特点,分析了数据打包算法对LIN总线带宽利用率性能的影响,提出了一种LIN总线带宽利用率最优的算法&完全搜索树算法。

    Basing on basic features of LIN bus , the influent of packing algorithm for the bandwidth utilization of LIN bus was analyzed , and a new type of packing algorithm that can fully utilizes the bandwidth of the LIN-The entire tree search selected algorithm was proposed .

  30. 以汽车引擎控制系统为例进行的实验结果表明,利用CAN总线时间触发机制不仅可以有效地管理消息的传输,而且提高了总线带宽利用率。

    And the scheduling capability is analyzed . The experiment is based on the automotive engine management , the result proves that using time-triggered architecture can not only manage the message transmission but also improve the bandwidth utilization .