
  • 网络soft magnetic ferrite
  1. 提出了利用废锌锰电池中的Fe、Mn和Zn制备高档锰锌软磁铁氧体材料的新技术,并对其工艺流程、技术特点和经济指标进行了详细的阐述。

    A novel technology , which is on the preparation of Mn-Zn soft magnetic ferrite using Fe , Mn and Zn existing in waste battery as raw materials , was proposed . The technological process , character and economic-technology index of this technology were also discussed in detail .

  2. 介绍了直接法制备锰锌软磁铁氧体材料的工艺流程、特点及原理。

    In this paper , the technological process , characters and principle of preparation of Mn-Zn soft magnetic ferrite by direct-method were introduced .

  3. Co2Z型高频软磁铁氧体材料的低温烧结及磁性能研究

    The Research on Low-Temperature Sintering and Magnetic Properties of Co_2Z-type Hexagonal Ferrites

  4. 本文主要阐述了Ni-Zn软磁铁氧体材料的发展和研究现状。

    The development and research of Ni-Zn soft ferrites were described .

  5. Ni-Zn软磁铁氧体材料成分配方的研究进展

    Investigation and Development of Composition of Soft Magnetic Material of Ni-Zn Ferrites

  6. 软磁铁氧体材料的现状及其发展趋势

    Current Status and Future Trend of R & D on Soft Ferrites

  7. 软磁铁氧体材料和生产技术的新进展

    Recent Advances of Soft Ferrite Materials and Production Technique

  8. 磁导率是软磁铁氧体材料的基本参数之一。

    Permeability is an important parameter of soft magnetic .

  9. 低温快速烧结软磁铁氧体材料

    Fast Sintering Soft Ferrite Materials at Low Temperature

  10. 软磁铁氧体材料的发展趋势及产业化研究和开发的几个误区

    Developing Tendency of Soft Ferrite Materials and Mistakes in Its Industrializing Research and Development

  11. 纳米软磁铁氧体材料液相合成技术

    Progress in preparation of nanometer-sized soft ferrite

  12. 软磁铁氧体材料的应用与市场

    Applications and Market of Soft Ferrite

  13. 生产高等级软磁铁氧体材料所需要的原材料氧化铁的纯度也越来越高。

    In order to product high-grade soft magnetic ferrite materials , the purity of iron oxides in the raw materials is required higher and higher .

  14. 随着电子信息产业的发展,市场对高磁导软磁铁氧体材料的需求以年均20%的速度增长。

    With the development of electronics and information industry , requirement of soft magnetic Iron Oxide material with high permeability has grown by 20 percent annually .

  15. 针对“陶瓷法”和“共沉淀法”存在的问题,我们将无机化工、湿法冶金和磁性材料等学科进行交叉,成功开发出“直接法”制备锰锌软磁铁氧体材料新技术。

    A novel technology , which is on the preparation of Mn-Zn soft magnetic ferrite using Fe , Mn and Zn existing in waste battery as raw materials , was proposed .

  16. 在进入新世纪,我们热忱欢迎国内客户及同行广泛合作、携手共进,为推动我国软磁铁氧体材料的发展共作贡献。

    In the new century , we warmly welcome the domestic peers and clients a wide range of cooperation , join hands to promote China 's development of ferrite materials for a total contribution .

  17. 目前,软磁铁氧体材料制造企业所需要的氧化铁原料,主要来自钢铁厂冷轧酸洗盐酸再生过程中喷雾焙烧所产生的氧化铁粉。

    At present , the raw materials of iron oxide needed for the production of high-grade soft ferrite materials are mainly from iron oxide powders by spray roasting of the regeneration hydrochloric acids in cold-rolled steel plants .

  18. 随着通讯技术向高频化方向的发展以及高速数字电路的快速发展,超高频段上的电磁干扰(EMI)问题日益突出,迫切需要能工作在超高频段且性能优异的软磁铁氧体介质材料。

    With the development of communications technology to high-frequency and the rapid development of high-speed digital circuits , the electromagnetic interference ( EMI ) is becoming an increasingly serious problem and the excellent soft magnetic materials able to work in the high frequency band are required urgently .

  19. 酸再生技术改造及软磁铁氧体磁性材料的开发

    Technical Revamp of Acid Regeneration and Development of Soft Ferrite Material

  20. 介绍了软磁铁氧体纳米材料的特性,综述了近年来具有尖晶石结构的软磁铁氧体纳米材料的制备方法。

    The characteristics of nanometer soft magnetic ferrite material is presented .

  21. 尖晶石型软磁铁氧体纳米材料的制备研究进展

    Progress in the Study on the Preparation of the Nanometer Spinel Soft Magnetic Ferrite Material

  22. 热敏软磁铁氧体作为热敏材料又有了很多新的应用领域。

    The soft ferrite has many new applications as the temperature sensitive material .

  23. 采用氧化-共沉淀相转化法低温液相合成了具有尖晶石结构的软磁铁氧体粉体材料铁酸锰。

    The spinel manganese ferrite nanoparticles were successfully prepared by oxidation-co-precipitation phase transformation at low temperature in this thesis .

  24. 文章扼要地介绍了金刚石磨具在加工喇叭磁钢、磁瓦、软磁铁氧体磁件等材料所取得的技术、经济效果。

    The paper briefly introduces the technological and economic achievements attained in manufacturing trumpet magnetic steel , magnetic tile and soft magnetic ferrite piece etc.

  25. 本文在对软磁材料,特别是软磁铁氧体材料的发展过程及发展趋势进行综合分析之后,指出了一些当前在软磁材料研究和开发中普遍容易忽视的问题。

    Based on the synthetical analysis of the history and developing tendency of soft magnetic materials , especially of soft ferrite materials , some mistakes were pointed out which were forgettable and were universally neglected in its industrializing research and development in many enterprises .

  26. 锰锌铁氧体作为一种重要的软磁材料,它的应用价值和长期的基础研究使得该类软磁铁氧体材料被广泛应用于变压器、磁芯、磁头等。

    As an important magnetic material , manganese-zinc ferrite , due to the great application and long-term basic research , has been widely used in the various areas such as transformers , coil cores , magnetic heads and so on .