
  • 网络TDS;Total solid
  1. 浅议影响水中溶解性总固体测定的干扰因素和消除方法

    Interfering Factor in TDS Determining of Water and Its Eliminating Method

  2. 污水经过超滤后,脂、总固体及COD去除率分别在98%、80%和95%以上。

    Through ultrafiltration wool-scouring waste . The yield of removal rate of fat , total solids and COD value were over 98 % , 80 % and 95 % respectively .

  3. 对洗毛废水中COD、羊毛油脂和总固体TS的一次性去除率分别为98.5%,99.7%和94%。

    The remove rates of COD , grease and TS in wastewater were 98.5 % , 99.7 % , and 94 % respectively .

  4. 此外,以生态浮岛系统为中心的强化植物净化系统还能有效地减少水体中的总固体悬浮物(TSS)、大肠杆菌数和重金属浓度。

    In addition , the concentrations of total suspended substance ( TSS ), Escherichia coli and heavy metals were also significantly decreased .

  5. 研究小型暗河式沼气池以猪粪和青草为发酵原料,在适当pH值、总固体含量和碳氮比的条件下,沼气产量和单位池容产气率与温度之间的关系。

    The study was carried out with pig manure and green grass as fermented raw materials , under the condition of proper pH value , total solid content and C / N ratio to find out the relationship between the methane yield and temperature .

  6. 给出了现场分析数据&总固体含量(TSC)、门尼粘度(ML)和苯乙烯结合量(st%)的计算方式,使得模拟结果很方便地和现场分析数据进行比较;

    Field analytical data including total solid content ( TSC ), Mooney viscosity ( ML ) and styrene combining weight ( st % ) are calculated in this paper . So it is convenience to compare the simulation results with actual data .

  7. 总固体在泌乳初期逐渐增加到最高,在泌乳中期又逐渐减少,且差异显著(p0.05),其中第六、第九泌乳月与第四泌乳月差异极显著(p0.01)。

    Total solids gradually increased to the highest in the early lactation , then gradually reduced in mid-lactation , and significant difference ( p0.05 ), in which the sixth , and ninth lactation month as compared with fourth lactation month was extremely significantly difference ( p0.01 ) .

  8. 结果:以115℃,0.7kg·cm-2压力下比较适宜,总固体含量高,吸收度A值大。

    Results : The suitable condition is under the temperature of 115 ℃ and the pressure of 0.7 kg · cm - 2 , the total solid contents and the absorbance are high .

  9. 经过12d的消化,沼气和甲烷产率分别为530和351mL/g,系统总固体(TS)和VS去除率分别为78%和82%。

    After 12 days digestion using an anaerobic solid-bed digester system , biogas and methane yields were 530 and 351 ? mL / g , the removal rates of total solid and volatilizable solid were 78 % and 82 % , respectively .

  10. 对羊奶干酪成熟90d内理化和生化特性的研究表明:成熟前期总固体增加速度较快,后期缓慢;

    The study on the physicochemical and biochemical characteristics of goat cheese within a ripening period of 90 days showed that the total solid of cheese increased fast during the primary ripening and then slowed down .

  11. 总固体物含量则前者明显低于后者。

    But the solid content is lower in the former group .

  12. 用三角烧瓶法测定饮用水中溶解性总固体的实验

    Experiment of Detecting Total Dissolved Solids in Drinking Water Using Conical Flask Method

  13. 并对口服液进行了总固体物限量测定。

    The limited quantity of total solid of this solution were also measured .

  14. 曝气-石灰碱化法除铁除锰、降低水的硬度和溶解性总固体含量的研究

    Fe-Mn Removal and Hardness TSS Reducing in Water

  15. 含糖、蜜酒剂[总固体]测定方法的讨论

    Discussion About the Determination Method of Total Solids in Medicinal Wines with Sugar or Honey

  16. 对饮用水中溶解性总固体含量检测电导率仪。

    The content of total dissolved solids in drinking water was detected by conductivity meter .

  17. 水中可溶性总固体的快速测定法

    Rapid Determination Method of Total Dissoluble Solids

  18. 本文提出发用摩丝中总固体含量测定的新方法。

    A new method to determine the total solid content in hair mousse products is introduced in this article .

  19. 结果:壳聚糖对大黄酚的含量基本无影响,并使制剂总固体含量减少30.8%;

    Results : Chitosan has no effect on the content of chrysophanol , and solid compositions decreased by 30.8 % .

  20. 结果:煎煮次数(D)对总固体含量有显著性影响(P<0.01)。

    Re sults Times of extraction ( D ) has significant influence on the total solid ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 研究了八角莲注射液中占有机总固体量62.3%的葡萄糖和氨基酸成分。

    The author studied glucose and amino acid component which are 62 . % of organic total solid amount in injection .

  22. 大部分地区潜水中总固体、总硬度、硝酸盐、氟化物、氯化物含量等已超过国家饮用水标准。

    The overall solid , rigidity , nitrate , fluoride and chloride and so on , have exceeded the national table-water standard .

  23. 使用该方法富集后,80%乙醇洗脱液干燥后总固体物中环烯醚萜苷类成分含量可达到70%以上。

    The content of iridoid glycosides was up to 70 % in the dried fraction of 80 % ethanolic elution determined by UV-Vis .

  24. 方法:采用正交试验法,以总固体物的量和总黄酮为指标,对排石合剂的提取工艺进行了筛选。

    Method : With the amounts of total solid substance and total flavone as indexes , the extraction methods were screened by orthogonal design .

  25. 雄县地热水中氯化物及总固体的含量也超过农田灌溉水质标准;

    The concentration of chloride and total resolvable solid also can not meet the standard of water quality for farmland irrigation in Xiong county .

  26. 玉米秆、小麦秆最大产气速率与累积产气量均随总固体质量分数的增加而上升;

    The maximum biogas production rate and cumulative biogas production of wheat straw and corn straw increased with the increase of total solid concentration .

  27. 研究结果表明:污泥在稳定塘中的纵深分布随污泥深度的增加,总固体逐渐增加,而挥发性固体逐渐减少;

    The results show that Total Solid added and Volatile Solid decreased gradually in the wake of the addition of sludge depth in wastewater stabilization lagoons ;

  28. 方法:以药典法测定不同精制工艺样品的总固体含量,用高效液相色谱法测定有效成分大黄酚的含量。

    Methods : The solid compositions of different samples were determined by the methods adopted in pharmacopeia , and the chrysophanol content was determined by HPLC .

  29. 且处理前后试牛鲜乳质量(鲜乳密度、乳脂率、全乳总固体、乳蛋白和乳糖)无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    And the milk quality ( density , butterfat percentage , total solid body of milk , butter-protein and milk sugar ) had no obvious distinction before and after test .

  30. 测定了玉米芯中总固体物质、灰分、酸溶木质素及酸不溶木质素含量,分别为:98.2%、3.8%、3.3%、16.9%。

    Firstly , the content of corncob total solid material , ash , acid-soluble lignin and acid-insoluble lignin was determined . which are 98.2 % , 3.8 % , 3.3 % and 16.9 % separately .