
  • 网络psychotherapy;psychotherapeutics;psychotherapeutic
  1. 移情的概念起源于德国美学,意为情感渗透,现已超越美学领域,成为心理学、心理治疗学、语言学等领域的研究课题。

    Empathy , which originated in German aesthetics with the meaning of " feeling into ", has been studied in aesthetics , psychology , psychotherapy , linguistics and so on .

  2. 中医心理治疗学在未来医学中的作用

    The Function of TCM Psychotherapy in Future Medicine

  3. 一些著名的心理治疗学派对仅仅针对病人的过去进行治疗很不满意。

    Some famous schools of psychotherapy were deeply unsatisfied to address only the past of patients .

  4. 最后,运用比较研究的方法,将道家心身观和现代心理治疗学进行比较研究,以有助于我们对道家思想和方法的价值有一个新的认识。

    Finally , use the method of the comparison , compare Taoist heart body view with modern mental therapeutics , find out two the contact and distinct .

  5. 心理治疗学中的许多流派,比如积极心理治疗、艾瑞克森所使用的催眠学、神经语言处理程序学和阿德勒的个人心理学都是以未来为取向的。

    Many schools of psychotherapy , like positive psychotherapy , hypnosis as used by Erickson , NLP , the individual psychology of A.Adler are concerned with the future .

  6. 丰富描述是心理学和心理治疗的现象学经验研究的基础。

    Thick description , as one of the basic tools recommended by phenomenology , can be used in empirical investigations .

  7. 本文对强迫症的药物和心理疗法进行回顾总结,重点分析其心理治疗的方法学特征。

    The aim of the paper is to summarize retrospective the drug therapy and psychotherapy in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder , and analyze importantly the methodological characteristics of its psychotherapy .