
  1. 但无疑这是一部表现当时重大事件的叙事性舞蹈作品。

    It was no doubt a narrative dance work on a major event of that time .

  2. 神话、史诗长于叙事,舞蹈、音乐亦可以叙述;

    Myth and epic are adept in narration , dance and music ane adept in narrarion too .

  3. 通过说唱、叙事和舞蹈表达具有许多人物的复杂故事。

    Through the medium of songs , recitations , and dances , it told complicated stories with a variety of characters .

  4. 卡塔卡利舞剧形成、叙事内容、身体叙事和舞蹈故事四个方面都表现出明显的叙事倾向,它使叙述学这种主要表现为一种形式研究的理论在戏剧领域里产生了更多的回响。

    Its narrative features are manifested in four aspects & formation , narrative contents , body narration and dance narration . It echoes with narratology , mainly a theory of mode studies , in the field of dramatic studies .