
  • 网络narrative mode;narrative pattern;narrative model
  1. 复仇:西方文学的一种叙事模式与文化表述

    One Kind of Narrative Pattern and Cultural Expression in Western Literature

  2. 此章除了概述总体的兴起语境,还具体分析了每一个类型的成长小说的叙事模式和审美意义。第五部分是结语。

    This part include background and narrative pattern and esthetic significance .

  3. 更长的寿命正在改变生命本身的叙事模式。

    A longer lifespan is changing the narrative structure of life itself .

  4. 当代官场反腐小说的叙事模式研究

    The Study of Modern Officialdom Anti-corruption Novel s ' Narration Modes

  5. 史叙事模式是围城叙事的三种基本模式。第四部分:现代家族小说叙事的话语解码。

    Part four : decoding narrative discourses of modern family fictions .

  6. 这两种叙事模式是不同的,它们从外在的题材处理形式到内在的价值体系,都存在一些差异。

    The two narration models differ in subject and value system .

  7. 审美主体的发展对艺术叙事模式的影响

    The Influences of Aesthetic Subject on the Mode of Artistic Narration

  8. 中国现代小说叙事模式与《圣经》文本

    Narrative Pattern of Modern Chinese Fiction and the Version of the Bible

  9. 《恰同学少年》对问题叙事模式的新突破

    Qia Tong Xue Shao Nian : Breakthrough about the Issue of Narrative

  10. 隐喻视野中的男女性别叙事模式

    On the Metaphor of Gender Relations Between Man and Women

  11. 二是叙事模式的创新。

    The other is the innovation of the narration mode .

  12. 鲁迅小说《风波》的叙事模式

    The Narrative Mode of Lu Xun 's Story A Storm

  13. 改造+恋爱叙事模式的文化权力意涵&20世纪50-70年代小说的一种象征结构分析

    The Power Culture Meaning of the Narrative Pattern of Love and Reclamation

  14. 家族故事的纵向聚合关系(即叙事模式);

    Longitudinal cluster of family stories ( i.e. narrative models );

  15. 《子夜》的英雄悲剧叙事模式

    The Heroic Tragic Narrative Pattern in the novel of Midnight

  16. 《今日说法》和《焦点访谈》的叙事模式

    The Narrative Modes of Focus Talk and Law Reportage Today

  17. 余华小说的叙事模式浅析

    Comment on the Narrative Pattern of Yuhua 's Novels

  18. 略论我国章回体小说的叙事模式

    Comments on the Narration Mode of Traditional Chinese Novel

  19. 以上三者构成张爱玲小说的叙事模式,而这一叙事模式对于传统小说叙事模式来讲是一种突破与创新。

    This is a new breakthrough and creative for the traditional narration mode .

  20. 话本小说叙事模式述论

    A Study Concerning the Narrative Mode of Vernacular Novels

  21. 论传统现实主义小说创作的二元对立叙事模式

    Dual-antagonistic Narrative Model of the Chinese Traditional Realistic Novels

  22. 对于成功人士的叙事模式化。

    The narration of the successful persons is routinized .

  23. 二是小说叙事模式的误读。

    Another is the misreading in novel narration pattern .

  24. 巧中有情悲里寓美&经典影片《魂断蓝桥》的叙事模式

    On the Narrative Mode of the Film Waterloo Bridge

  25. 但是杰斐逊观察到,尽管美国梦叙事模式解释了社会经济地位的上升

    But , observes Jefferson , while the American dream narrative explains upward mobility

  26. 我国少数民族题材电影跨文化叙事模式研究

    A Study on Intercultural Narratives Models of Ethnic Films

  27. 浅析史官文化对《左传》叙事模式的影响

    On the Influence of Historian Culture to " Zuo Zhuan " Narrative Mode

  28. 如今,这些叙事模式很可能再次发生改变。

    Now , such narratives may well shift again .

  29. 张艺谋电影的叙事模式

    The Narrative Pattern of ZHANG Yi-mou 's Movies

  30. 坡在他的侦探小说中创造了经典的叙事模式:开端-发展-高潮-结局。

    In his detective fictions , Poe creates the classical narrative paradigm : start-development-climax-end .