
  1. 不知等了多久,始终没人来拉骆驼。

    He did not know how long he waited , but nobody came to lead the camels away .

  2. 他知道这还不十分像拉骆驼的,可是至少也不完全像个逃兵了。

    Maybe he still did not seem an authentic camel-driver , but at least he was less like a deserter .

  3. 欣赏一下有趣的驴拉板车、骆驼拉爬犁、羊皮筏子以及独木舟,你会体味到传统与现代如何互相补充、相得益彰。

    See what you make of the curious donkey cart , camel sledge , sheepskin raft and dugout canoe : examples of how tradition and newer technology can complement each other .