
  • 网络narrative perspective;point of view;narrative point of view;focalization
  1. 同时,叙述视角作为展现主题的主要手段连接着作者和读者。

    Furthermore , the narrative point of view as an important mean of revealing the central theme serves as a bridge between the author and the readers .

  2. 《了不起的盖茨比》的叙述视角及艺术效果

    Point of view and artistic effect in The Great Gatsby

  3. b叙述者的处理&包括叙述者的隐退、叙述视角的限制和元叙事等;

    B , the skills of the narrator which include the absence of narrator , the limitation of narrator 's view and Meta-narrative ;

  4. 按方位角行进在定向越野中的应用对叙述视角进行某种程度上的调整等。

    Application of Azimuth in Orienteering adjust the angle of view .

  5. 从读者地位的改变看小说《变》的叙述视角

    Change of the Reader 's Status as Seen in La Modification

  6. 论《橡皮灵魂》的独特叙述视角

    On the Unique Narrative Viewpoint in " The Rubber Soul "

  7. 第二、小说的叙述者我拥有经验的和现在的两个叙述视角。

    Secondly , this narrator I possessed two narrative perspectives .

  8. 唐代叙事诗限知叙述视角转换模式试探

    On the Transformation Model of Knowledge-limited Narrative Perspective of Tang 's Ballade

  9. 儿童视角小说是以儿童视角为主要叙述视角的小说。

    Children perspective is a kind of description strategy that is meaningful .

  10. 新闻报道选择叙述视角的艺术

    The Skills of Choosing Narrative Respective on News Report

  11. 福克纳小说叙述视角研究

    A Research into Narrative Point-of-View in Faulkner 's Novel

  12. 从叙述视角的偏差看弗洛伦斯的英国情结

    Florence 's " British Complex " through Viewpoints Differences

  13. 《我家族的庙宇》中的叙述视角之研究

    A Study of Narrative Point of View in the Temple of My Familiar

  14. 叙事解释与合理性解释,受其叙述视角的限制,都是有局限的。

    The rational explanation and narrative explanation have limits because of their perspectives .

  15. 心理描写与叙述视角;

    2 , psychological description and narrative visual angle ;

  16. 认同对小说视角的基本划分,即:全知全能视角、等值叙述视角、客观叙述视角。

    But the basic classification is agreed upon : omniscient , equivalent and external .

  17. 从叙述视角聚焦《喧哗与骚动》的语言特点从韩礼德系统功能语法考察当代英语情景喜剧《老友记》的幽默语言特点

    Linguistic Features of The Sound and the Fury from the Narrative Point of View

  18. 论王蒙小说的叙述视角与叙述声音

    The Narrative Point of View and the Voice in the Novels by Wang Meng

  19. 在《了不起的盖茨比》中双重视野涉及小说中主题、人物性格塑造、叙述视角等方面。

    In The Great Gatsby , double vision exists in themes and in characterization .

  20. 浅析《玫瑰门》中独特的叙述视角及女性形象的塑造

    The Narrative Angle and the Women Image 's Shaping in " Meigui Men "

  21. 奥斯汀选择安妮的视点作为叙述视角,保证了她的女性主体意识;

    Austen secures Anne Elliot 's self-consciousness by taking her viewpoint as a narrative perspective .

  22. 这一章也是分三节展开论述:第一节,双性叙述视角。

    This chapter is divided into three sections . Part one is dural narrative perspective .

  23. 在詹姆斯的创作中,叙述视角也存在着一个不断发展、不断完善的过程。

    In James'works , narrative perspective also develops gradually and becomes more and more perfect .

  24. 小说的虚构体现在诸多方面:时间、空间、情节、人物、叙述视角等等。

    From the time , space .

  25. 第二部分论述女性广告中的叙述视角。

    Then , in the second part , it expounds the narrative perspective of female advertising .

  26. 第三章从叙述视角、叙述结构和叙述文体三个方面来分析新生代历史叙事的艺术特色。

    The third chapter from the narrative perspective , narrative structure and narrative style three aspects .

  27. 老舍短篇小说的叙述视角

    The perspectives of Lao She'Short Stories

  28. 黄玉雪在其自传体小说《华女阿五》中采用了第三人称叙述视角。

    The third-person narrative is adopted in Jade Snow Wong 's first autobiographic novel Fifth Chinese Daughter .

  29. 论文最后探讨了叙述视角的选择对不同的叙述声音的调节。

    Lastly , the paper probes into the regulation of different narrative voices by choosing different narrative perspective .

  30. 隐匿的他者&对《呼啸山庄》基于叙述视角的女性声音分析

    The Hidden " He " & Analysis of the Female Voice in Wuthering Heights from the Narrative Perspective