
wēi jī ɡǎn
  • A sense of crisis;crisis awareness;feeling of impending crisis
  1. 二十一世纪是信息化的知识经济时代,任何一个组织都感觉到了自身内外部环境中知识含量的激增,同时,也对知识更新速度的加快产生了危机感。

    The 21st century is the informative era of knowledge-driven economy , any organization felt that content of knowledge is increased hugely in one 's own domestic and foreign environment , Besides , have produced the crisis awareness to the quickening of the renewal speed of knowledge , too .

  2. 殊不知对立面的存在,还有“有利”的一面:一是有利于人们提高警觉、增强危机感。

    They don 't know that the existence of the opposite has its advantages : First , it is to help people increase their vigilance and crisis awareness .

  3. 救援人员的紧迫危机感已经有所减弱。

    Amongst relief workers , the immediate sense of crisis has moderated somewhat

  4. 所以大部分的网页设计者们真的没有感觉到使用基于CSS排版和支持标准的代码的危机感和必要性。

    So most web designers really don 't feel there is an overwhelming need to start developing sites using CSS based layouts and standards compliant code .

  5. 职业指导顾问乔迪•罗杰斯(JodieRogers)表示,对她的那些中年客户来说,工作是一个危机感的源头。

    Jodie Rogers , a careers coach , says work is a source of crisis for her middle-aged clients .

  6. 用Collins教授的话说,这本书写的内容,目的之一是为了让世人产生一种危机感。

    Part of what 's going on here , to use Professor Collins 's phrase , is it introduces this sense of a crisis in the cosmos .

  7. 但这位官员警告称,美国认为,朝鲜领导人金正日(kimjong-il)可能试图在实施另一次核爆炸之前,先制造一种长时间的危机感。

    But the official cautioned that the us believed Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader , was likely to attempt to generate a sense of crisis over time before conducting another explosion .

  8. 哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)的资深学者格里•柯蒂斯(GerryCurtis)去年在日本生活了半年。他证实,东京弥漫着浓郁的怀旧气息,而不是危机感。

    Gerry Curtis , a seasoned academic from Columbia University who spends half the year in Japan , confirmed that , instead of a sense of crisis , Tokyo is laden with the heavy scent of nostalgia .

  9. 当投资者们有了危机感,他们就会卖掉手中的股票。

    And when investors get nervous , they sell stocks .

  10. 在线生态艺术:危机感的映射

    Online Ecological Art : A Reflection of Crisis Consciousness

  11. 毫无疑问,有些公司的危机感更强。

    Some no doubt felt more threatened than others .

  12. 我愿意与所有的人分担这种危机感。

    I 'd like to share this sense of crisis with everyone else .

  13. 对这个统计数字和这个世界存在危机感,

    we find this world and this statistic very alarming

  14. 研究表明,员工的这种行为会使外向型领导者产生危机感。

    The study suggested that this behaviour can make extroverted leaders feel threatened .

  15. 人们充满机遇的同时也充满了危机感;

    It is full of opportunities but also of a sense of crisis ;

  16. 说实话,你一开始让我很有危机感。

    To be honest , I was a little threatened by you at first .

  17. 这里的年轻人一点危机感也没有。

    No tension among the young folk here .

  18. 危机感正在四处蔓延。

    The sense of crisis is becoming infectious .

  19. 这就给医院带来了危机感,带来新课题。

    Thishas brought the sense of crisis to the hospital , brings the new task .

  20. 二十一世纪,没有危机感是最大的危机。

    The twenty-first century , there is no sense of crisis is the biggest crisis .

  21. 研究表明,员工的这种行为会使外向型领导者产生“危机感”。

    The study suggested that this behaviour can make extroverted leaders feel " threatened . "

  22. 不会有危机感,这是挑战自己的另一种办法。

    Won 't have crisis feeling , this is another kind of idea that challenges this .

  23. 或许有人希望,这场庆典没有受到潜在危机感那么严重的困扰。

    One might wish that the celebrations were less encumbered by an underlying sense of crisis .

  24. 人,这辈子所有的危机感、所有的不开心,都是自己给自己设置的。

    In this life all the sense of crisis , all the unhappy are his own settings .

  25. 如果你的家里也充满了无用的危机感,请不要再带给我。

    If your home 's full of useless aggravation , then don 't bring it to mine .

  26. 当我更年轻的时候,我也更健康,但是我充满了危机感,你懂吗?

    When I was younger , I was healthier but I was wracked with insecurity , you know ?

  27. 如果多勃雷宁的姿态是想增加我们的危机感,那他是做得太漂亮了。

    If Dobrynin 's pose was designed to heightened y our sense of menace , it succeeded admirably .

  28. 你们应该有危机感。韦伯上个月在洛杉矶米尔肯会议上说。

    You should be quite worried , Webb said at the Milken Global Conference in Los Angeles last month .

  29. 相比之下,欧盟其它大国充满强烈的社会和经济危机感。

    By contrast , there is a strong sense of social and economic crisis in other key EU countries .

  30. 吉尔吉斯斯坦警务改革中意识到了危机感,正致力于缩小或改变这种不利状况。

    Kyrgyzstan , realizing crises in its police reform , is making an effort to avert this unfavorable situation .