- Guatemala

The original design of the ceramic filter came from a chemist in Guatemala , Fernando Mazariegos .
For example , MSF says second-line drugs already cost $ 1400 per patient per year in kenya , while in Guatemala they 're a prohibitive $ 6500 annually .
The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen .
The magnitude-7.4 tremor struck off the coast of Guatemalan coastal town Champerico , about 150 miles from the capital at Guatemala City , according to the U.S. Geological Survey .
In Mixco , a poor suburb of Guatemala City , police are winning the trust of community members and reducing crime .
Her name is Tatiana , but she 's not Mexican . She 's Guatemalan .
Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina issued a disaster alert and asked for the evacuation of affected buildings , warning of aftershocks .
Companies have always been deeply engaged in politics , from the United Fruit Company 's involvement in the overthrow of the Guatemalan government in 1954 and its backing of the 1961 Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion to legislative lobbying to the everyday funding of candidates for office .
At least 48 people were killed , mainly in San Marcos province , a mountainous coastal stretch that sits beside the epicenter , said Johana Miner , a spokeswoman at the Guatemalan disaster agency .
Erwin Sperisen 's lawyer called the conviction shocking and said his client who holds joint Swiss-Guatemalan nationality would appeal .
Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales , Mexico 's undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion , said in a telephone interview on Saturday that Mexico had diagnosed 15 cases of Zika , 10 of them in the state of Chiapas , on the border of Guatemala .
WFP spokeswoman , Emilia Casella , says this situation is the nutritional status of the rural poor in Guatemala , particularly women and children .
After university , he enrolled in the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon , then went on to study under chefs in Brittany , Guatemala , Italy and the US .
The government has also adopted his community-focused philosophy , ruling that all archaeological projects in Guatemala include a community-development component .
Or setting forth from todos Santos in Guatemala , down paths impassable to jeeps , in search of the radiant textiles woven by descendents of the Maya .
A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .
In the years that followed , Aspire Africa was rebranded as Aspire Football Dreams , its scope expanding to as many as 17 countries , including three in the Americas ( Guatemala , Costa Rica and Paraguay ) and two in Asia ( Vietnam and Thailand ) .
Facundo Cabral , one of Latin America 's most respected folk singers , was being driven to the airport in Guatemala City when his car was ambushed .
The rotateq vaccine , for example , was tested on68,000 children from Costa Rica Guatemala Jamaica and Mexico as well as seven other countries in the developed world .
The quake sent shockwaves through the Mexican state of Chiapas and along the Guatemalan coast , and was felt as far as Mexico City more than 600 miles away .
Is it Costa Rica , Guatemala , Honduras or Nicaragua ?
Special envoy of the Secretary-General for the Guatemalan peace process ;
Guatemala has grave problems and feeble means to combat them .
Connecting Mexico with Central America is the nation of Guatemala .
The state is weak , even by Latin American standards .
Two countries and { slinam } were declared mine free .
He 's heading up a tactical rescue mission in guatemala .
He serenaded me with a beautiful oid GuatemaIan love song .
In Guatemala , cellphones inform mothers how to have healthy pregnancies .
Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America .