
wēi hài rén lèi zuì
  • crime against humanity;crime endangering humanity
  1. 战争罪及危害人类罪不适用法定时效公约

    Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity

  2. 国际刑事法院已经设立,负责处理种族灭绝、战争罪行和危害人类罪。

    An International Criminal Court has been created to deal with genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity .

  3. 就保护本国公民免遭“危害人类罪”而言,没有哪个国家能够推卸掉自己的责任,更遑论为自己犯下此类罪行进行辩解。

    No state can abdicate the responsibility to protect its people from crimes against humanity , let alone justify perpetrating such crimes itself .

  4. 本周一,伊拉克以危害人类罪处死伊前总统萨达姆•侯赛因的表弟、绰号为“化学阿里”的前政权高官阿里•哈桑•马吉德。

    Iraq on Monday executed Ali Hassan al-Majeed , the Saddam Hussein cousin and henchman widely known as " Chemical Ali ", for crimes against humanity .

  5. 而秘书长潘基文并没有明确指出叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德应为化学武器袭击负责,但是他明确表明阿萨德犯下了许多危害人类罪。

    While Secretary General Ban has not blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad specifically for the chemical attack , he does say Assad has committed many crimes against humanity .

  6. 灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害属于威胁人类安全的事项,因此,国际社会必须在联合国及其集体安全制度的框架范围内提供保护的责任。

    Genocide , war crime , ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity belong to the situations threatening human security , so international society must provide protection in the framework of UN .

  7. 该章论述了国际刑事法院管辖权范围内的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和侵略罪的历史演变、定义和争议等问题。

    The ICC has jurisdiction over the crime of genocide , crimes against humanity , war crimes and the crime of aggression , whose evolution , definition and debates about the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are dealt with .

  8. 2002年国际社会期待已久的常设国际刑事法院开始运作,它标志着一个历史性时刻的到来&侵略罪、灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪的犯罪人不再能够逃脱国际刑事责任。

    The International Criminal Court has been ratified by enough countries to take effect on July 1 , 2002 . This means a great era to prosecute aggression , war crimes , genocide and crimes against humanity is about to begin . No one will be exempted .