
gōng jiàng
  • artisan;craftsman;workman;mechanic;craftspeople;artizan
工匠 [gōng jiàng]
  • [craftsman;artisan] 有工艺专长的匠人

工匠[gōng jiàng]
  1. 厨房里的桌子是本地一位工匠制作的。

    The table in the kitchen was made by a local craftsman .

  2. 钻石切割靠的是工匠的技艺。

    The cut of a diamond depends on the skill of its craftsman .

  3. 他是来自德累斯顿的金工工匠。

    He was a craftsman in metalwork from Dresden

  4. 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

    These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople .

  5. 杰斐逊不喜欢别人作为礼物送给他的一对高脚杯,就请当地的一个工匠把酒杯熔毁了。

    When Jefferson didn 't like a pair of goblets given to him as a gift , he asked a local smith to melt them down

  6. 韩国工匠把这种艺能带到了日本。

    The Korean craftsmen took this artistic skill with them into Japan .

  7. 工匠保证要复制一幅最接近原作的画。

    The craftsmen have ensured faithful reproduction of the original painting .

  8. 这工匠能把石头雕成各种形状。

    The artisan can cut stones into various shapes .

  9. 曾经我遇到了一个男孩,他在业余时间用万能工匠做实验。

    Once I had a boy who worked experimentally with Tinkertoys in his free time .

  10. 我在每个学生面前放了一小套万能工匠,说:"用万能工匠做点什么东西。"

    I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student , and said : " Make something out of the Tinkertoys . "

  11. 造船工匠用麻丝和沥青填塞木船缝隙。

    Shipbuilders caulk wooden boats with oakum and tar .

  12. 它可能是一个不太知名的工匠制作的昂贵手袋,也可能只是从当地商店得来的塑料购物袋。

    It could be an expensive purse made by a lesser-known artisan , but it could be just a plastic shopping bag from a local store .

  13. 一位越族工匠善于造船,由于工作成绩突出,他得到了越王的信任,被越人尊为造船宗师,享有优厚的待遇。

    There was an artisan of the state of Yue who was good at making boats . Because of his excellent work , the king trusted him very much . He was regarded as a great master of boat making and got munificent1 treatment .

  14. 工匠和石匠的工具,和医生,牙医或者CEO的工具一样重要,

    And the tools of craftsmen and the masons are just as important as the tools of the doctor and the dentist or the CEO ,

  15. 30多年来,非政府组织援助工匠(AidtoArtisans),已帮助制造商和设计师与从非洲到亚洲的各地工人建立起非剥削性的工作关系。

    For more than 30 years non-governmental organisation Aid to Artisans has helped manufacturers and designers build non-exploitative working relationships with workers from Africa to Asia .

  16. Martinón-Torres还提到,这种工作间里的制造技术很有可能被工匠用来为皇帝制造真正的武器,但这只是一个假设。

    The manufacturing technique used in the workshopalso may have been used by weapon makers for the Emperor of Qin 's real armies , though that 's just speculation , Martin ó n-Torres said .

  17. 这幢阿泰科风格(ARTDECO)的大楼(目前仍大量雕有工匠及商人的浮雕)于1939年建成,而建筑师们如今恢复了它的正面结构&青铜正门以及可爱的钢窗。

    The Art Deco building ( still featuring its relief carvings of artisans and tradesmen ) was completed in 1939 and the architects have restored its frontage , introducing a bronze main entrance and sympathetic steel windows .

  18. 这将会是我需要要记住的日子,我需要记住我的承诺做一个具有Wabi-sabiLove精神的工匠,就是一个懂得发现美和完善自己不完美的人。

    These will be the days when I need to remember my commitment to being a Wabi Sabi Love artisan & someone who finds beauty and perfection in her own imperfection .

  19. 他收到了来自Chanda的食品礼物,是一个邻近小镇的工匠送来的。

    He received a gift of food from Chanda , an artisan of the neighbouring town .

  20. 这些做法非常成功,我们期待着扩大愿意互换工匠的公司范围,并很高兴像Hashrocket和Relevance的公司已表示对此有兴趣。

    This was so successful that we are looking to expand the network of companies willing to swap craftsmen , and are excited that companies like Hashrocket and Relevance have expressed interest .

  21. 例如,南非设计师霍尔丹马丁(HaldaneMartin)说,虽然在他的工作中良心的因素很大,但他尝试当地的工匠技艺的主要原因在于,他没有其它的现代制造业选择。

    South African designer Haldane Martin says , for example , that while conscience plays a large role in his work , the main reason he experiments with local craft techniques is the lack of modern manufacturing options available to him .

  22. 2009年,她花了一年的时间在日本中部的美浓市(Mino)向工匠大师学习如何制作和纸(washi)。

    In 2009 she spent a year learning how to make washi ( Japanese paper ) from master craftsmen in the city of Mino , central Japan .

  23. 事实上,据该公司联合创始人及腕表工匠皮姆·克斯拉格(PimKoeslag)称,王妃本人曾开玩笑地建议说,该公司应该制作一款女士腕表。

    In fact , according to Pim Koeslag , co-founder of the company and its watchmaker , it was the princess herself who jokingly suggested that the company should have a ladies ' watch .

  24. 两年后,通过“援助工匠”和artecnica,他创作了一款名为tatu的网架咖啡桌,这个桌子可以分解成一个碗、一个盘子和一个篮子。

    Two years later , through aid to artisans and Artecnica , he created Tatu , a wire table that breaks down into a bowl , a tray and a basket .

  25. 后来,另一个德川家族的将军家光(Ieyasu),也即德川家康的孙子,集中全国最好的工匠和最好的材料,胁迫贵族们出钱,在日光修建了许多建筑。

    Later in that same century , another Tokugawa shogun , Ieyasu 's grandson Iemitsu , assembled the country 's greatest artisans and finest materials , commanded an outpouring of cash from the cowed nobility and did more building at Nikko .

  26. 我们的信仰基于对于制造食物的工匠般的态度。

    Our beliefs breed on attitude of artisanship towards food making .

  27. 特殊的工匠奖励可以协助使用于制作过程中。

    Unique new artisan rewards that assist in the crafting process .

  28. 一个以制造或修理木桶或浴盆为业的工匠。

    A craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs .

  29. 工匠将一块金属锤平。

    The workman flattened a piece of metal by hammering it .

  30. 在很长的时间里面,行业协会为工匠创建了评级系统。

    Guilds have been creating rating systems for craftsmen for ages .