- highly toxic pesticide

They then drank Dichlorvos , a highly toxic pesticide , in an attempt to commit suicide , but were saved in a nearby hospital .
Because of acute poisoning mortality rate is high , prevention is more important . The government should strengthen drug and highly toxic pesticide regulatory work .
RH-5849 is one of the best new form and unharmful pesticide which can be used in control of the grubs instead of those high-residual and high toxic pesticides .
However , methyl bromide is a sort of virulent pesticide at the same time , it can cause danger to the health of persons and animals and pollution to soils if it is misused .
Compared with the date obtained from 1992 to 1996 the contamination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in vegetables have a significant decrease in recent years . This suggests that the abuse of hard pesticide onto vegetables has been basically controlled .
Therefore , in recent years , pesticide production is facing with a great change . Abandon high persistent , highly toxic pesticide , exploit low persistent or no persistent pesticides become a important method to reduce pesticide contamination , ensure harvest crops and safeguard human health .
According to the situation , we take the following measures : ( 1 ) To stop up the source of pesticide residue , the government should issue laws which forbid the use of drastic poison and high residue pesticide in tea plants ;