
  1. 本项目采用B/S架构,完全基于J2EE技术,融合电子商务和现代保险理念,将理赔业务逻辑通过计算机网络实现。

    This project is a B / S structure , entirely based on J2EE technology , claim management information system of integration of e-commerce and the modern concept of insurance , and implement claims business logic through the computer network .

  2. 环境审计风险的形成原因可概括为审计保险理念以及客观条件的局限、委托代理制的先天不足和审计能力的局限等要素;

    The reasons for the formation are as follows : the limitation of belief of audit insurance and the objective conditions , the inherent disadvantages of the entrust and agent system , the limitation of the auditing ability .

  3. 2000年引入海外银行保险理念以来,我国的银行保险业呈现出良好的发展势头。银保双方在合作产品、合作渠道、合作团队上有所创新,但是根本的合作模式没有发生实质改变。

    Bancassurance has maintained a robust growth momentum since it was introduced into China in 2000.The two parties of bancassurance have made a lot of innovation in product , cooperative channel and sales force , however , the fundamental cooperation model has not been changed .

  4. 浅谈抵御地震灾害减少损失的地震保险新理念

    A New Concept of Earthquake Insurance to Prevent Earthquake Disaster and Reduce Loss

  5. 论三要保险监管理念

    On Insurance Supervision of " Three Must " Belief

  6. 因为发展时间短,保险营销理念相对滞后且不完善,营销服务已成为决定寿险公司竞争能力的核心要素。

    However , because of the short development time , the marketing thought relatively lags , so service has become the core element that determines the competitiveness of a life insurance company .

  7. 因此有必要将先进的保险管理理念、科学的保险流程设计以及方便周到的保险服务体系融入到保险行业软件中,以形成保险公司整体的企业级信息平台。

    It 's indispensable to combine the advanced insurance management idea , the scientific business flow design , the convenient service system with insurance software , in order to form a integer enterprise information platform .

  8. 当保险这一理念深入中国百姓的生活,保险行为日益频繁时,保险合同纠纷案件随之大量涌现。

    While the idea of insurance penetrates into Chinese populace 's life and the insurance activities become more frequently , with which the insurance contract dispute cases emerge in large numbers .

  9. 对数据保险箱这一理念持批评态度的人士迅速表达了不同意见。

    And critics of data lockers have been swift to dismiss the idea .

  10. 对价平衡是保险交易的基本理念,是诚实信用在保险领域的具体体现。

    Balanced to the price is the basic idea of insurance transaction , is the concrete manifests of fairness of insurance transaction .

  11. 集中反映信用保险诚实信用原则与事故调查后置理念,同时也是信用保险与融资担保理念差异的体现。

    This case shows the good faith principle and the concept of postposition of accident investigation in credit insurance , and also reflects the conceptual difference between credit insurance and financing insurance .

  12. 强制保险制度的实施对更新我国保险理念、完善机动车交通事故保险制度、提高机动车交通事故保障水平、保障经济正常发展和促进社会安全稳定具有重要意义。

    Its implementation is significant to the updating of our insurance concept , the consummation of motor vehicle traffic accident insurance system and the improvement of motor vehicle traffic accident security . It can also ensure economical development and accelerate social security and stabilization .

  13. 其次,改革失业保险制度,建立就业促进型失业保险制度。需要做到:调整失业保险的建制理念,充分认识到就业保障的重要性;

    Then , it needs to reform the system of the unemployment insurance , and last , it needs to accomplish the system on the employment service .

  14. 基于保险资金运用的一般定义、保险资金构成来源、保险资金性质以及保险资金运用理念等几个方面对保险资金运用进行概述。

    Based on a general definition of the use of insurance funds , insurance funds constitution , the nature of insurance funds and the concept of use of insurance funds , an overview of the use of insurance funds .

  15. 更好的理解责任保险与侵权责任法的关联,对于我们理解现代侵权责任法和责任保险的价值理念,建构合理的损害赔偿体系和妥善解决二者在理论和实践中的冲突,都具有重大意义。

    Better understanding of the liability insurance associated with the Tort Liability Act , the responsibility for our understanding of modern tort law and liability insurance values , build a reasonable compensation system and the proper settlement of both the theory and practice in conflict , are of great significance .

  16. 对于如何建立一个好的存款保险制度,尽管没有统一的制度框架用于所有国家,但是还是有一些基本准则值得借鉴,也就是存在于存款保险制度的基本理念之中的原则。

    There is no unified institutional framework for all countries about how to set up a good deposit insurance system , but there are some basic guidelines to be learned , which is present in the deposit insurance system , the basic concept of the principle of being .