
  • 网络auto loan;Automobile Consumption Loans
  1. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  2. 个人汽车消费贷款助您实现购车梦想,全面提高生活品质。

    Personal auto loan will help you realize your auto purchase dream and fully improve your life quality .

  3. 汽车消费贷款经销管理

    Distribution Management Providing a Consumed Loan to People for Purchasing Vehicles

  4. 汽车消费贷款保证保险的法律性质在理论上存在保证说与保险说之争。

    There are insurance theory and guarantee theory about it .

  5. 走出汽车消费贷款风险迷宫

    Getting Out of the Risky Maze of Car Loans

  6. 汽车消费贷款风险分析与防范

    Analysis of Loaning Risks of Automobile Consumption and Precautions

  7. 汽车消费贷款经营模式之我见

    My Views on Business Model of Auto Loans

  8. 汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷剖析

    Analysis of Conflicts from Car Loan Pledge Insurance

  9. 但信用卡欠款、汽车消费贷款和其它债务比较适合由国外的讨债员来处理。

    But credit card , auto and other debt are prime candidates for collection overseas .

  10. 汽车消费贷款保证保险法律问题研究

    Study on Vehicle Consumptive Loan Guarantee Insurance

  11. 第二章,重点介绍中行A分行汽车消费贷款信用风险评估体系现状。

    Chapter 2 . Giving a detailed introduction of the current automobile consumption credit appraisal system by BOCA .

  12. 最后论述汽车消费贷款保证保险的历史功绩和现状。

    The last is to relate the historical value of vehicle consumptive loan guarantee insurance and its current situation .

  13. 主要是全文研究成果的总结和对未来国有商业银行汽车消费贷款的展望。

    Mainly will be the full text research results summary and to the future state-owned Commercial bank automobile consumptive loan forecast .

  14. 建立完善的社会信用体系是汽车消费贷款保证保险顺利进行的必要条件。

    Establish a sound social credit system is a necessary condition for Guarantee Insurance for the Automobile Consuming carried out smoothly .

  15. 汽车消费贷款保证保险极大地简化了贷款审批程序,释放了大量潜在的汽车消费需求,为我国汽车工业和汽车消费信贷市场的发展做出巨大贡献。

    The appearance of auto loan guarantee insurance not only greatly simplifies the loan approval procedures , but also boosts potential car consumption remarkably .

  16. 近日,中国保监会对个人汽车消费贷款保证保险旧条款紧急叫停,根本原因在于个人汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷案件与日俱增。

    Because cases of individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance increase steadily , the old article about individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance is forbidden .

  17. 本文的主张是汽车消费贷款保证保险是保险,保险纠纷应当适用保险法律规范,但又主张这种适用是不合理的。

    This article thinks vehicle consumptive loan guarantee insurance is insurance . So , we should use insurance laws and regulations to deal with insurance disputes .

  18. 本部分主要是从保证保险的起源出发,阐述保证保险制度产生的经济背景,并交代汽车消费贷款保证保险在国外的发展状况。

    This part is to show the origin of guarantee insurance , to expound its economical background and to relate its development in some foreign countries .

  19. 但在实务中,因为基本法律关系没有理清,导致汽车消费贷款保证保险在实践中暴露出了许多问题。

    But in practice , because the basic law , no clear relationship in auto loan guarantee insurance in practice exposed to a number of problems .

  20. 近年来,随着汽车消费贷款业务迅猛增长,其风险也在不断加大。

    In recent years , together with the increase in amount of the loan of the automobile consumption , the risk of the loan has been increasingly growing .

  21. 汽车消费贷款保证保险(我国俗称车贷险)是保证保险在汽车分期付款消费中的应用。

    Vehicle consumptive loan guarantee insurance ( Generally , we call it che-dai insurance in china ) is one kind of guarantee insurance combined with vehicle consumption by installment .

  22. 欺诈现象在汽车消费贷款保证保险中十分严重,保险公司在投保人欺诈后主张免责,使银行陷入巨大风险之中。

    The fraud is very common . Insurance companies stand they are unaccountable when there is insured fraud . So , commercial banks are in great risk in this situation .

  23. 而欲准确界定汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质,对汽车消费贷款保证保险法律关系进行微观分析也就首当其冲。

    The author thinks that to define the character of the guaranty insurance of automobile credit we must first analyze the legal relation of the guaranty insurance contract of automobile credit .

  24. 对汽车消费贷款保证保险性质的不同认识,将直接导致保险纠纷在司法审判中适用不同的法律,也将导致信贷发放机构和保险公司之间不同的责任承担。

    Different definition about its legal nature will lead to different application of law in judicial practice . So , it will cause different responsibilities between credit institutions and insurance companies .

  25. 在我国汽车消费贷款的发展过程中,近年来信用卡购车贷款发展迅猛,已经成为各大银行中间业务的主要增长点。

    Auto loan business in our development process , credit car loans in recent years , rapid development , has become the major banks in the middle of a major growth business .

  26. 在银保合作开展汽车消费贷款保证保险的过程中,只有双方呈现合作状态时,才能达到双优结果。

    During the process of " Banc-assurance " to carry out Guarantee Insurance for the Automobile Consuming , only two sides to render the co-operation state , a double excellent results will achieve .

  27. 1998年工行北京分行开始试办汽车消费贷款至今,该项业务在国内呈现出快速增长的态势。

    ICBC ( Industry and commercial bank of china ) Peking Branch started trying to do the automobile consume loan since 1998 to now , the business at the domestic present an increases quickly .

  28. 以保监会2004年5月关于《规范汽车消费贷款保证保险业务有关问题的通知》为标志,保证保险终于盛极而衰。

    China Insurance Regulatory Commission in May 2004 on the " norms auto loan guarantee insurance business related to the issue of notice ," marked to ensure that insurance has a sheng and failure .

  29. 该产品退出舞台,警示着我们应当对该产品及其所涉及到的理论知识加大研究力度,以期为我国汽车消费贷款保证保险业务的重新兴起作出贡献。

    This product exit stage , we should be alert to the product and the theoretical knowledge involved in order to intensify research in China auto loan guarantee insurance business to contribute to the rise .

  30. 然后介绍汽车消费贷款保证保险在我国的发展,着重介绍其在我国的发展过程中所经历的急剧变化的两个阶段,并初步交代其变化原因。

    Then , this part will focus on its development in china . It will put emphasis on the two dramatic change stages of vehicle consumptive loan guarantee insurance and the reasons of the changes .