
  • 网络Keeping Mum;keep mum;Silence;button up one's mouth;keep your mouth closed/shut;bite your tongue
  1. 对于发生的事情,大家一致保持缄默。

    There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening .

  2. 侦探们犯了难,半岛上各个群体抱成一团,达成了保持缄默的密约。

    Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula .

  3. 官员们对于会谈情况保持缄默。

    The officials maintained a wall of silence around the talks .

  4. 我们不应对这件可耻的事保持缄默。

    We should not pass over this disgraceful affair in silence .

  5. 然而,在伊朗国家电视台全天对该事件保持缄默的情况下,伊朗英语频道presstv否认发生袭击事件。

    But , while state television remained silent on the matter all day , the attack was denied by the English-language channel Press TV .

  6. 你可能应该在一两个sprint中保持缄默,从而建立信任。

    Perhaps you should offer to keep silent for a sprint or two to build trust .

  7. 中国监管机构周三对于是否会允许谷歌(Google)保留中国网站保持缄默。此前,这家美国公司做出了最新妥协举动。

    Chinese regulators remained silent on Wednesday over whether they would allow Google to keep its website in China following the US company 's latest compromise offer .

  8. 保持缄默可能是更好的回应:RIM的举动使其显得高傲自大,甚至不识时务。

    Dead air would have been a better response : rim ended up looking arrogant and even more out of touch .

  9. 即便CEO们感到现在不得不保持缄默(因为保持缄默有时候有助于他们保住自己的饭碗),他们也可以对退休之后畅所欲言心向往之。

    Even if CEOs feel they have to keep quiet as holding their tongues is helpful when it comes to holding on to their jobs , free speech could be something they look forward to in retirement .

  10. 拜伦哈德利?你有权保持缄默。

    Byron hadley ? You have the right to remain silent .

  11. 我痛苦地保持缄默。

    Keep one 's mouth shut I bit my tongue sorely .

  12. 但当我问及海南开发项目时,朱鼎健为何会保持缄默呢?

    But why the reticence when I inquired about the Hainan development ?

  13. 在接近对手之前它们必须保持缄默。

    They must remain silent until they close in on their rivals .

  14. 她希望贾森对他自己的疑虑能保持缄默。

    She hoped Jason would keep his mouth shut about his doubts .

  15. 因此我们最好还是对此事保持缄默。

    Therefore we 'd much better take the matter quietly .

  16. 我们对此事不能保持缄默。

    We can not pass over the matter in silence .

  17. 保持缄默与他的本性不相称。

    It is not natural for him to remain silent .

  18. 他认为最好还是保持缄默。

    He thinks it best to hold his tongue .

  19. 当他的姻亲来访时,他总是保持缄默,小心说话。

    When his in-laws visit , he always has to bite his tongue .

  20. 我们现在最好的办法是保持缄默。

    The best thing for us to do now is to keep silence .

  21. 然而默克尔一如既往地保持缄默。

    The chancellor , however , kept quiet , as she often does .

  22. 你究竟为什么在会上保持缄默?

    Why did you keep silent at the meeting ?

  23. 在她死后,这兄弟俩警告我要保持缄默。

    When she was dead , the brothers warned me to keep silent .

  24. 所以我现在更不能保持缄默。

    Which is why I cannot remain silent now .

  25. 艾莉尔:你为什么要保持缄默?

    Ariel : Why are you being so close-mouthed ?

  26. 不过这位健谈的前领导人始终隐藏在公众视线外,引人注意地保持缄默。

    The talkative former leader has remained out of view and conspicuously silent .

  27. 对于此,那学生无话回答,保持缄默。

    To that , the student had no answer and remained in silence .

  28. 进攻之前,国防部保持缄默。

    A wall of silence surrounded the defence ministry prior to the attack .

  29. 条件包括你自己保持缄默吗?

    Does it involve you and self-imposed silence ?

  30. 那就是什么时候应该大声说话,而什么时候应该保持缄默。

    There is a time to speak up and a time to be silent .