
  • 网络Insurance Marketers;agency recruitment
  1. 第四部分是我国保险营销员权益保障制度的完善。

    The fourth part is the interest of insurance salesmen Security System .

  2. 浙江保险营销员继续教育存在的问题及对策研究

    Existence Question of the Insurance Salesman Continuing Education in Zhejiang and Countermeasure Research

  3. 保险营销员身份定位模糊,缺乏规范化管理;

    Blurry positioning of the identity of insurance agents and lack of standardized management .

  4. 本文的第二部分对保险营销员的社会保障法律制度进行了域外考察。

    The second part of the social security insurance salesmen were extra-territorial legal system inspection .

  5. 为客户、股东、员工、保险营销员及社会创造价值!

    To create value for the clients , shareholders , employees , agents , and the society .

  6. 保险营销员都是骗子,时间长了骗不下去了。

    Insurance sale member it is cheater , time grew to cheat no less than going to .

  7. 目前我国保险营销员13个月的平均留存率仅为接近30%,处于极低的水平。

    The average subsistence ratio of the insurance agent in China is just almost 30 % , which is considered to be over low .

  8. 导致保险营销员留存率低的因素很多,究其根源,主要表现在保险公司培训制度的不完善和保险代理人制度内在的一些缺陷。

    The factors which caused the low subsistence ratio mainly represent in the training system for the insurance agent and the agent system itself .

  9. 本文还介绍了保险营销员系统应该完成的相关需求,其中包括功能需求、接口需求、非功能需求和其他需求以及设计约束。

    The article also describes software requirements of insurance agents , including functional requirements , interface requirements , non-functional requirements and other requirements and design constraints .

  10. 但当前保险营销员与保险公司处于委托代理关系,寿险营销的工作性质及营销员本身的法律定位,造成寿险营销员的低活动率、低留存率、低绩效、低收入等情况。

    Life insurance salesmen and life insurance company have agency relationship . The nature of life insurance marketing and life insurance marketers ' legal position lead to low retention rate , low capacity , and low income .

  11. 借鉴实行直接营销的其他国家、地区在保险营销员与保险公司关系的法律定位方面的经验,明确我国保险营销员与保险公司的法律关系具有重要的意义。

    We can borrow from the experiences of other countries and regions using direct sales system and their positioning of the relationship between insurance agents and insurance companies to streamline the legal relationship of Chinese insurance companies and their agents .

  12. 本研究通过查阅文献、行为事件访谈等多种研究方式,并采用工作压力量表、工作倦怠量表、组织支持感量表等多种问卷对RS保险公司营销员进行问卷调查。

    This study conducted a questionnaire survey of RS insurance company marketing through literature , behavior event interview and other channels to design and the working pressure scale .

  13. 随着保险业的发展壮大,保险营销员这支庞大队伍的发展状况也越来越引起社会关注,作为营销大军中的一员,保险营销员也承受了巨大的工作压力。

    With the development of the insurance industry , the development situation of the huge insurance marketing team is also more and more attractive . As a member of the marketing force , insurance salesman is under great pressure of work .

  14. 为更好的提高业务品质,保障被保险人的利益,对保险营销员开展以提高基本素质、规范从业行为为目的的继续教育工作在当前显得尤为重要。

    In order to heighten the quality of business and protect the benefits of the insured , it is becoming a crucial issue to provide the insurance salesmen with continuing education , which will improve their basic qualities and highly regulate their professional behaviors .

  15. 目前,我国商业保险的保费有近60%是由保险营销员实现的,但同时保险营销员的整体素质不高、社会形象不佳等也是客观存在的现实。

    Presently , the insurance salesmen in China manage approximately 60 % of the premium of commercial insurance . However , their general low levels of personal quality and unpleasant social image are now an objectively existing problem .