
  1. 社会保障区片划分及其分布规律研究&以兴化市为例

    Research on the Demarcation Section for Social Security and its Discipline section city

  2. 仓储、保鲜、运输、供应于一体的后勤保障区。

    Logistical support district : including storage area , preservation area , transportation area , supply area .

  3. 他们开过保障房区到老城区。

    They drove through the housing projects to the historic district .

  4. 保障开发区内的企业依法自主经营;

    To ensure the enterprises'operational autonomy in the ETDZ .

  5. 首先,在闹市区内实施次数较多的爆破作业,能保障爆破区内周围设施、行人与行车的安全,说明安全措施是有效的。

    Firstly , practising a multi-tasks explosion in crowded streets and not hurting facilities and passbys can prove the safely measures to be efficient .

  6. 当施工区路段发生交通拥堵或交通事故时,应该采取应急处理机制或紧急救援系统,以保障施工区路段的交通畅通与安全。

    When traffic jams or accidents occur in the work zones , we should take emergency handling mechanism or emergency rescue system for the safety of work zone .

  7. 根据这些预警信息,我们可以对网关进行相关设置或采用规避风险的策略来保障工作区的安全性。

    According to the early warning information , we can do something on the settings of gateway or use the risk-averse strategy to ensure the safety of the working area .

  8. 因此,以土地再开发为代表的向存量土地挖潜的内涵式发展成为保障开发区持续发展的重要途径。

    Therefore , the connotation of development Potential re-development of land as the representative of the stock of land is an important way to protect the development zone of sustainable development .

  9. 这有利于完善土地的集约利用方式、保障开发区地价的合理性,促进土地市场的健康发展和土地资源的合理利用。

    This research is beneficial to improving method of land intensive utilizing and guaranteeing the land price of Open Economic Zone reasonable , promoting the healthy development of land market and reasonable using of land resource .

  10. 通过土地生态复垦,发展生态农业,能够有效地恢复矿区生态环境,扩大生态环境容量,保障煤矿区持续发展。

    By land reclamation and the development of ecological agriculture , the ecological environmental capacity could be increased , and mining area environment could be improved effectively , and sustainable development of coal mining area could be guaranteed .

  11. 区内煤柱是指在小区域开采期间暂时保留在区内的煤柱,其作用仅仅是保障在区内开采时的顶板安全,而在小区域开采结束后能够适时垮落。

    Regional coal pillar is temporary coal pillar in mining the small district , and its function is only to ensure the safety of the roof when mining the small area , but it can collapse in proper time after mining the small area .

  12. 住区交通体系作为构成住区的重要组成部分,起着协调居民出行需求、形成良好交通环境、保障住区环境质量的重要作用。

    As the important component of forming the residential area , the traffic system in the residential area coordinates the demand of going out by residents , important function of forming the good traffic environment , and ensure the environmental quality in the residential area .

  13. 工业电视监视系统:保障生产装置区及变配电所安全、可靠地运行。

    CCTV system : guarantee the safe and reliable operation of the production unit area and power transformation and distribution substation .

  14. 采用走向长壁局部充填开采方法,保障采空区的顶板隔水性,是实现浅埋煤层特殊保水开采的有效途径。

    Using a partial backfill mining is an effective way to protect the roof of water resisting layer the special water preserved shallow seam mining .

  15. 通过曲阜市旧城区的官园街改造规划方案,具体说明政府赋予能力思想在地方经济发展、地段建设的资金保障、住区规划与建筑设计等方面的体现。

    With Qufu Guanyuan Street renewal planning as the case , the thought of enablement is embodied in local economy development , constructive finance support , site plan and house design .

  16. 济宁高新区未来发展迫切需要有一定的用地数量和空间保障,扩区升级对高新区的经济社会发展具有重大意义。

    The Jining high and new zone will develop in the future urgent needs to have certain land quantity and the spatial safeguard , will expand the area to promote to the high and new zone economic society development has the great significance .

  17. 要通过建立产业合作、投资保护、劳务合作、争端解决、知识产权保护等一系列长期合作机制,来推动和保障海峡经济区的建设;

    In order to promote and ensure the construction of the Straits Economic Zone , a series of long-term cooperation systems must be set up , such as industrial cooperation , investment safety , labor cooperation , dispute resolution and protection of intellectual property rights .

  18. 潍坊市为了维持这一良好势头,制定出台了多项整治监管措施,保障了滨海开发区自身经济的可持续发展。

    Weifang City in order to maintain this momentum , formulated a number of remediation regulatory measures to protect the coastal zone itself sustainable economic development .

  19. 科学合理的发展战略与规划、准确的功能与产业定位,是保障大城市边缘区有序协调发展的长远性和全局性措施。

    Scientific and rational development strategy and planning , and accurate function and industry position-sitting , is the long-term and overall measures to protect the orderly and coordinated development of urban fringes .

  20. 说明改良剂在降低水稻植株锌、铬积累的同时,对保障锌铬污染区水稻产量有积极作用。

    This showed the modifiers could decrease the zinc and chromium accumulation of the rice , and play an active role in the production of rice in the zinc and chromium contaminated district .

  21. 第四条香港特别行政区依法保障香港特别行政区居民和其他人的权利和自由。

    Article 4 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall safeguard the rights and freedoms of the residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and of other persons in the Region in accordance with law .

  22. 将城市经营理念引入到旧工业区具有重要的意义,既可高效的运用政府资金,又可避免规划的盲目性和随意性,保障了旧工业区的操作实践性。

    Using the city management to the old industrial district has vital significance , also can highly use government fund , avoid blindness and the capriciousness , and it can safeguard the old industrial district operation practicality .

  23. “两制”就是要保障香港特别行政区依法享有的高度自治权,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政。

    " Two systems " means that we should ensure the high degree of autonomy of the Hong Kong SAR and support the chief executive and the SAR government in exercising government power as mandated by law .

  24. 基础设施建设是开发区发展的基础与保障,为了经开区的市场竞争力,保障区内日益增加居民生活与企业生产的需求,规划中关于基础设施、特别是供暖设施规划的部分应进一步加强。

    Infrastructure is the foundation for the development and protection zones , through the open area of the market to competition , protection of local residents living and the increasing demand for production , planning on infrastructure , especially heating part of facility planning should be further strengthened .

  25. 但是针对保障性住房的研究相对局限,主要集中在保障性住房政策、选址以及社会效应等方面,缺乏对保障性住区社会空间的系统性研究。

    But the studies for affordable housing are relatively limited , mainly concentrated in the affordable housing policy , siting and social effects , and lack of systematic study on social space of the low income residences .