
qǐ yè cái chǎn
  • enterprise property;business property;corporate property
  1. 企业财产损失保险;家庭财产损失保险;建筑工程保险;安装保险;货运保险;机动车辆保险;船舶保险;能源保险。

    Business property insurance ; family property insurance ; building insurance ; installation insurance ; cargo insurance ; motor vehicle insurance ; shipping insurance ; energy insurance .

  2. 企业财产保险是企业出于化解自身风险的目的购买的商业性财产保险。

    Enterprise Property Insurance is an commercial property insurance for the enterprise to manage its own property risk .

  3. 美国企业财产征用过程中的商誉损失及其评估

    Goodwill Loss and Its Valuation Discussion on the latent loss of enterprise

  4. 工业企业财产保险风险查勘(评估)模型研究

    Research on risk assessment model of industry corporation property insurance

  5. 保险在企业财产和责任风险管理中的应用研究

    Investigation on Risk Management in Property and Liability Insurance

  6. 外商投资企业财产清算法律问题

    The Issues Concerning the Liquidation on Assets of FIEs

  7. 股份制只是一种企业财产的组织制度;

    Share-holding system is only one of the organization systems about enterprises property .

  8. 我国合伙企业财产由三部分构成,相应地合伙企业破产财产也有三部分构成。

    Our partnership property consists of three parts , corresponding to the partnership bankruptcy property .

  9. 事故和自然灾害是造成工业企业财产损失的重要原因。

    The accident and natural disaster are the important reasons which affect the property loss of the industrial enterprise .

  10. 现实社会经济运动中的现代企业财产组织制度的创新适应了社会化生产与现代市场经济的发展要求。

    The renovation of the system in modern economic movement caters to the need of socialized production and modern market-economy .

  11. 合伙企业财产来源于合伙人的出资和合伙企业存续期间所得收益两部分。

    The property of partnership firm comes from partners ' investment and the profits gained from the period of firm existence .

  12. 国有破产企业财产的租赁与职工权利的法律保障&从一则破产案件涉及的有关问题进行分析

    The Property of the Bankruptcy 's Tenancy and the Protection of the Worker 's Right and Profit & Analysis from a bankruptcy case

  13. 合伙企业财产不足清偿到期债务的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。

    If the partnership property is not sufficient to pay the debts that are due , each partner shall be jointly and severally liable for payment thereof .

  14. 内部控制关系到企业财产物资的完整,关系到会计系统对企业经济活动反映的正确性和可靠性。

    Internal controls related to the business of property and materials integrity , related to the accounting system reflects the economic activities of enterprises of the correctness and reliability .

  15. 随着改革的深化,企业财产所有权与经营权的分离,现代企业制度的逐步建立和完善,大中型企业需要大批职业企业家来营运。

    With the deepening of the reform , the proprietary right of an enterprise is separated from its management and modem enterprise system has been built up and is being perfected .

  16. 本文通过对这两部分财产的法律性质进行分析,认为合伙企业财产既有共有关系,又有共用关系。

    By analyzing the law attribute of the two parts of poverty , the paper reveals that the poverty of partnership firm exists the relation of co-ownership and of joint use .

  17. 第三十一条个人独资企业财产不足以清偿债务的,投资人应当以其个人的其他财产予以清偿。

    Where the assets of a sole proprietorship enterprise are not sufficient to repay its debts in full , the sole proprietor shall contribute his other personal assets to cover the difference .

  18. 这种监管结构的成因或许可从一个以毒攻毒的制度三角形进行解释:随时可以剥夺企业财产的强势政府促成了企业在上市时藏匿各种重要信息的后果;

    This structural feature can be explained by an equilibrium analysis of fight-poison-with-poison institutions : powerful governmental force which can easily deprive enterprise 's properties may promote many firms to go public with hidden information ;

  19. 各类生产事故的频繁发生,不仅给员工生命和企业财产造成极大的危害,也影响了社会稳定,制约了经济的发展。

    The frequent occurrence of various types of industrial accidents , not only caused great harm to employees and business life and property , but also affected the social stability , and restricted the economic development .

  20. 其主要包括的业务种类有:家庭财产保险、企业财产保险、工程保险、农业保险、航空器保险、运输工具保险、货物运输保险和特殊风险保险等种类。

    The kind of business which mainly include : homeowners insurance , commercial property insurance , engineering insurance , agricultural insurance , aircraft insurance , vehicles insurance , cargo insurance and special risk insurance and other types .

  21. 但是非国有财产一旦投入社会,成为企业财产,发挥的作用却是社会的、公共的、为群众所依存,又影响、制约群众。

    But once non - state-owned property is put into society , it becomes the enterprise property , and performs functions to the society and public ; it depends on the populace as well as affects the populace .

  22. 实现安全生产,保障员工的生命健康和企业财产安全,既是企业应当承担的社会责任,也成为企业追求的一个重要目标。

    For an enterprise , it is not only the social responsibilities , but also important objectives to pursue to achieve safety production and protect the life and health of employees as well as the safety of enterprise property .

  23. 主要表现在企业财产组织形式、治理结构、用人制度、激励约束机制及经营理念等方面。

    We can see the feature from a variety of aspects that include not only the organization form of property , the governance structure , the system of employment , the mechanism of stimulation and restriction , but the management concept .

  24. 当今,公司制成为主要的企业财产组织形式,其原因在于公司制的多元化财产权主体与独立法人地位两大特征使它较其它企业形式更具效率。(2)构建国有企业的产权结构;

    Nowadays , the company system has become the main form for organization of the company property because of its two main features-the multiple principal of the company property right and the position of independent corporate make it more effective than other ones .

  25. 在城市发展中,通过企业财产保险、各类责任保险的发展,促进城市经济的快速发展;通过健康、养老保险的发展进一步完善城市社会保障体系。

    In the urban development , through the enterprise property insurance , each kind of liability insurance development , commercial insurance promotes the urban economy fast development ; Through the health , the old-age insurance development further consummates the city social security system .

  26. 企业财产保险合同约定的保险期限一般为1年,也可以投保短期险,保险期满后,可以再续保,但续保须另办手续。

    The insurance time limit that contract of company worth insurance agrees is1 year commonly , also can cast guarantee short-term a place difficult of access , after insurance period is full , can renew protect , but add is protected must do procedure additionally .

  27. 尽管现有法律对此提供了合同法与破产法上的规制手段,客观经营不善以及主观恶意抽逃企业财产等情形构成的对债权人的严重威胁和的巨大伤害仍然不能杜绝和足够规范。

    Notwithstanding existing laws provide regulating means in contract law and bankruptcy law , the serious threat and the tremendous harm resulted from objectively unsuccessful business running , ill-willed withdrawing enterprises ' properties , and other circumstances , can not be avoided and enough regulated .

  28. 第三部分:股份合作企业的财产权。

    Part III : The property of the cooperative stock enterprises .

  29. 企业法人财产权质疑

    Discussion on the Property Rights of Corporation ENTERPRISE Business Data

  30. 对企业内部财产关系的分析是微观层面;

    Microcosmic level is analysis on property relations in enterprises ;