
  1. 但世界银行行长金墉(JimYongKim)表示,该协议是“改变游戏规则的一件事”,应该促使企业转向低碳商机。

    But World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said the deal was " a game-changer " that should prompt companies to shift to low carbon business opportunities .

  2. 整个市场动态正从国有企业转向私有企业,因此你看到了这种大规模的财富转换,在企业上市后,这些企业家正在寻求流动性,瑞信亚太区企业股权衍生品主管AaronOh表示。

    The whole market dynamic is shifting from state-owned to private enterprises so you have this massive conversion of wealth and these entrepreneurs , after they float , are looking for liquidity , said Aaron Oh , head of corporate equity derivatives for Asia Pacific at Credit Suisse .

  3. 这次的用工荒可能有助于这些企业转向高科技的生产方式。

    The labor shortage may help them become more high-tech.

  4. 中国经济的增长方式应当从投资转向消费,从企业转向家庭;

    China should shift its growth pattern from investment to consumption , from enterprises towards households .

  5. 推动出口加工企业转向国内市场,应该成为扩大内需的一个重要抓手。

    It is significant to encourage the export processing enterprises cater for the domestic market in expanding domestic demand .

  6. 同时全球化竞争以及机构股东的力量迫使多元化企业转向集中化经营。

    In addition , the global competition and the force of institutional shareholders drove firms to turn to focusing .

  7. 现在,中国企业转向了农业、科技、高端制造、消费品、房地产、服务和品牌。

    They are now turning to agriculture , technologies , high-end manufacturing , consumer goods , real estate , services and brands .

  8. 作为全球再平衡的一部分,中国正努力支持国内消费,这意味着将放贷对象从企业转向消费者。

    It is trying to support domestic consumption as part of global rebalancing , which means reorienting lending from corporates to consumers .

  9. 政府经济政策已经尽可能地把重点从政府控制企业转向了私营企业。

    The government 's economic policy has been to shift the emphasis from the public sector to the private sector wherever possible .

  10. 但这种文化被指加剧日本的种种弊病,从缺乏婴儿到生产率低下,同时紧缺的劳动力市场意味着实力平衡正从企业转向工人。

    But the culture has been blamed for several of the country 's ills , from its dearth of babies to lacklustre productivity , while a tight labour market is shifting the balance of power from companies to workers .

  11. 另外我国现阶段正在进行大规模的经济结构调整,在国内市场已近于饱和的情况下,民营企业转向海外市场发展已经成为必然的趋势。

    In addition our country is undergoing a massive adjustment of the economic structure , in the situation of the domestic market has nearly saturated , the private enterprise to the overseas market to development has become an inevitable trend .

  12. 新河北省联合网络通信有限公司,由以前经营单一业务的电信企业转向全业务经营的方向发展,这势必要求电信运营环境朝着竞争规范化、服务质量化、业务个性化的方向发展。

    New China Unicom , the former telecommunications company operating a single business moves in the direction of the whole business , which will require that the competitive telecom environment towards standardization , quality of service , the business personal direction .

  13. 鑫科此前与全球娱乐界几乎毫无联系,分析人士表示,这笔交易是在国内经济放缓之际,中国重工业企业转向媒体等收益较高行业的更广泛趋势的一部分。

    While Xinke has little previous connection to the world of global entertainment , analysts said the deal was part of a broader trend by Chinese heavy industry to diversify into higher-return sectors such as media amid a domestic economic slowdown .

  14. 所以,许多企业在转向云计算时,同时也希望甩掉与EA有关的那些麻烦。

    So , as many companies make the move to cloud computing , they anticipate leaving behind a lot of the headaches of EA .

  15. 从争取分散企业风险转向努力增强企业实力;

    From managing to reduce business risk to enhancing business strength ;

  16. 俄罗斯企业立法转向及启示

    Legislative Diversion of Russian Enterprises and Its Enlightenment

  17. 欧洲国家努力避免让能源密集型企业承担转向可再生能源的成本。

    European countries have tried to shield energy-intensive industries from the costs of switching to renewables .

  18. 但据银行业内人士表示,其中有些企业已转向从金融机构募资数亿美元。

    Some have instead been seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in institutional funds , bankers say .

  19. 但这是因为高成本的美国企业纷纷转向中国,把中国当作一个低成本、高效益的海外解决方案。

    But that is because high-cost US companies are turning to China as a low-cost offshore efficiency solution .

  20. 随着国内需求下降和人口减少,许多日本企业正转向中国寻求增长。

    Many Japanese companies are looking to China for growth as domestic demand falls amid a shrinking population .

  21. 正是由于美国试图将免税薪资限制在100万美元,企业才转向了其它选择。

    It was when the US tried to limit tax-deductible pay to $ 1m that companies turned to options .

  22. 由生产能力决定企业兴衰转向由企业的订单、市场占有率和企业的创新能力。竞争能力决定企业的生死。

    Production decision , formerly made by the enterprise , is made by orders , market share and their ability in innovation now .

  23. 顾客对产品的需求日益多样化和个性化,致使越来越多的企业开始转向了多品种、小批量生产。

    With the increasing need of diversification and individuation , more and more enterprises turn their steps to multi-kind and small batch production .

  24. 出于投资方多元化以及降低成本的考虑,印度、韩国和中国企业也转向了欧元债券。

    Companies from India , South Korea and China have also turned to euro debt in the hope of diversifying investors and cutting costs .

  25. 在这样的条件下,中小民营企业只能转向民间金融,民间借贷成为中小民营企业借贷资金的主要来源。

    Under such circumstance , they can only turn to non-governmental finance for help , thus , private lending becomes the main source of their loan fund .

  26. 与此同时,随着中国大陆市场的汽车销量增速放缓,以及与外国汽车制造商之间的竞争加剧,中国本土汽车企业开始转向海外市场以求提升整体业绩。

    Meanwhile , as mainland car sales growth slows and competition with foreign automakers intensifies , domestic carmakers are turning to overseas markets to take up the slack .

  27. 过去一年来,得益于金融危机,阿里巴巴实现了强劲增长,因为中小企业纷纷转向互联网,将其当作一种低成本营销渠道。

    Alibaba has had strong growth during the past year , benefiting from the financial crisis as small and medium-sized enterprises turned to the Internet as a low-cost marketing channel .

  28. 在应对汇率、大宗商品或原材料价格、以及通胀率或利率等风险方面,企业通常转向银行寻求风险管理帮助。

    When it comes to risks of currency rates , commodities or materials prices , and inflation or interest rates , companies turn to their banks for risk management assistance .

  29. 为了进入中国市场,越来越多的西方企业正在转向电子商务,这是比开设连锁店或者落户中国难以把握的零售市场更快、更廉价的方式。

    Western companies are increasingly turning to online commerce , a cheaper and faster way to get to market than setting up store chains or penetrating the opaque retail market in China .

  30. 高层管理人士及行业专家表示,为应对经济滑坡,美国主要企业正在转向衰退经营模式,准备削减成本,暂停招聘并缩减资本支出。

    Leading US companies are shifting into recession mode and preparing to cut costs , freeze hiring and reduce capital spending as they brace for an economic slowdown , senior executives and industry experts said .