- 名Corporate profit margin;earning ratio

Suggestion on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Construction Enterprises
This price drop has hurt margins ?
The stock market was hit by pressures on profit margins , growth and inflation .
Mr Du said the bottom two-thirds of companies recorded an average margin of just 0.74 per cent .
This is likely to have two important consequences . Profit margins are likely to fall and unemployment to rise .
That said , at least we are now seeing profit margin improvement on the mainland and real earnings growth .
The independent brand lacks , the high end profit is obtained by the overseas buyer , the enterprise profit margin is low ;
Both mayoral candidates tapped into popular unease at rising living costs and weak job security , despite good economic growth and impressive corporate profits .
This paper is a selective literature review of the empirical studies on the profitability difference between firms from perspective of question , method and result .
In upholding the management area and strong growth in sales at the same time , actively control cost , guarantee the stability of corporate profit margins .
In auto industry , concentration rate and market share both have significantly positive impact on the rate of return , while firm size has significantly negative impact on it .
Hefty fines for just a few violations will eventually squeeze the profit margin of the business , forcing the firms to eventually comply with the spirit of the law .
Record high corporate profit margins ( and budget deficit cuts down the road that must be funded via private sector cash flows ) suggest such a premium is indefensible .
Mr Bernanke also noted that the futures market suggested the price of oil would stabilise and that profit margins were fat enough to absorb some acceleration in wage increases .
One of these issues is the fact that the global economy has recently enjoyed an era of steady growth , high corporate profitability and relatively relaxed monetary policy ( notwithstanding recent interest rate rises ) .
The widening gap between year-on-year CPI and PPI inflation implies that profit margins could be improved for some downstream manufacturing sectors .
Morgan Stanley analysts estimate Chinese exporters ' profit margins have shrunk 20 % to 30 % since 2004 . The real number could be even higher .
The profitability of the corporate sector might take some years to recover .
On the Reason and Approaches of Decreasing of Production Profit Rate of Construction Enterprise
Margins at some of the more successful companies also have come under pressure .
In the existing social system and the macro-economic situation , rising personal income , corporate profit margins are declining .
Chinese fast food enterprises are mostly typical labor-intensive service enterprises , which have lower profit margins and a single business model .
A turn in the interest rate cycle is likely to boost the dollar more , thus further squeezing US corporate margins .
Gasoline-blending process is an important link in refinery production which directly affects the enterprise profit margin and relates to environmental protection and energy saving .
The move is a sign of the pressure on mining companies ' profit margins from rising costs such as energy , labour , chemicals and steel .
First , foreign capital insurance company of into , enhanced the insurance market competition degree , cause insurance business enterprise insurance fee profit margin dropped quickly .
While many of these companies might find their profits squeezed , they are often controlled by local governments , which gives them more financial breathing space .
The traditional view is only when the benificial rate of capital in enterprise is higher than the bank interest rate can the operation on liabilities achieve benifits .
In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis , average profit margins in Chinese state companies fell to close to zero , and many reported huge losses .
He merely noted the truth : that corporate America 's profit margins " have begun to stabilise ", a sign that the economic cycle is entering its later stages .