
qǐ yè pò chǎn
  • enterprise bankruptcy
  1. 企业破产是市场竞争的结果。

    The enterprise bankruptcy is the result of competition for market .

  2. 国外企业破产制度模式比较与启示

    The comparison and enlightenment of the Foreign enterprise bankruptcy systen pattern

  3. 她就造成自己企业破产的政策发表了激愤的长篇演说。

    She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business

  4. 8月份企业破产数字攀升。

    The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August .

  5. 用支持向量机(SVM)构建企业破产预测模型

    An Application of Support Vector Machines in Bankruptcy Prediction Model

  6. 在美国,通用汽车(generalmotors)获准破产,成为美国历史上来最大的制造业企业破产案。

    In the US , General Motors was allowed to go bankrupt , the biggest manufacturing collapse in American history .

  7. 本文考察支持向量机SVM(SupportVectorMachines)在商业银行构建企业破产预测模型中的作用。

    This paper studies the effectiveness of applying support vector machines ( SVM ) to bankruptcy prediction problem in commercial banks .

  8. MDA方法已被广泛应用于企业破产预测、企业信用评价、信贷评价等等领域。

    MDA has been widely applied to the business classification , including bankruptcy prediction , credit rating , and bank loan classification , etc.

  9. 数以千计的企业破产,楼价崩盘,银行与国有企业(soe)呆账缠身。

    Thousands of businesses have gone bankrupt , property prices have collapsed and banks and state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) are riddled with bad debts .

  10. 信用与市场研究机构东京工商调查公司(tokyoshokoresearch)的数据显示,5月份企业破产数量同比下降6.7%,至1203例,为一年来最低水平。

    The number of company failures in may declined 6.7 per cent year-on-year to 1203 , the lowest level in a year , according to Tokyo Shoko Research , a credit and market research group .

  11. 吴协恩表示:我认为国内生产总值(GDP)增长6%或7%,而不是8%或10%是正常的,当然(在这种较低的整体增长速度下)中国将会有许多企业破产。

    I think GDP growing at 6 or 7 per cent instead of 8 or 10 per cent is normal although of course there will be many companies in China that go bankrupt [ at this lower rate of headline growth ] , says Mr Wu .

  12. 去年德国企业破产数量未见增长,尽管EulerHermes预计2009年德国企业破产数量将上升19%,但在今年发布的统计数据中,还没有显示出来。

    There were no rises in German corporate insolvencies last year , and while Euler Hermes is predicting a 19 per cent rise in 2009 , this has not shown in the statistics released this year .

  13. 本文研究企业破产问题,利用对策论方法讨论破产企业的财产分配方式,给出了顺序比例规则,在一定条件下,得到3人破产对策的C-值,σ-值,Ap规则一致。

    Making use of game theory , we discuss distributive patterns of bankruptcy enterprises property . The order proportion rule is given . Under some conditions , we obtain that c value ,σ value , Ap rule of a three-person bankruptcy game are identical .

  14. 日本航空(JAL)昨日成为日本最大的本土非金融企业破产案的主角。为求重生,该公司已申请破产保护,它将裁减三分之一员工,砍掉多条航线,并出售数十项资产。

    Japan Airlines yesterday became the biggest local corporate failure outside the financial industry when it filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a makeover which will see it lose a third of its staff , shed multiple routes and sell dozens of assets .

  15. 我国企业破产清算监督机制的完善

    The Improvement of Supervision System of Bankruptcy Liquidation in Chinese Enterprises

  16. 论法院在企业破产重整程序中的角色

    On the Role of the Courts in the Corporate Reorganization Procedures

  17. 企业破产与劳动者权益的保护

    Enterprise 's Bankruptcy and the Protection of the Employee 's Rights

  18. 《企业破产法(试行)》在实施中存在的问题及对策

    The Issue and Approach to the Operation of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law

  19. 企业破产案件中如何维护银行债权

    The Bankruptcy of Enterprise and the Protection of Bank 's Credit

  20. 企业破产中债权人利益的保障

    Ensuring the Creditor 's Interest when the Enterprise Goes Bankrupt

  21. 合伙企业破产法律问题研究

    Legal Issues in Relation to the Insolvency of Partnership Enterprises

  22. 在《企业破产法》中应建立定金债权优先清偿制度

    Establishing the First Earnest Money Obligatory Rights System in Enterprise Bankruptcy Act

  23. 企业破产重整计划强行批准的原则及限制

    Principles and Restrictions of Mandatory Ratification to Reorganization Plan for Enterprise Bankruptcy

  24. 简析关联企业破产中的特殊债权人问题&从一个假设谈起

    The Study on Special Creditor in Bankruptcy of Affiliated Enterprises

  25. 合伙企业破产之法理研评

    Studies on Principle of Law of Conflicts of Partnership Bankruptcy

  26. 国有企业破产过程中相机治理机制失效分析

    Ineffectiveness of State-owned Enterprise 's Governance in the Process of Its Bankruptcy

  27. 新《企业破产法》的制度创新及缺陷

    Institutional Innovations of the New Law of Enterprise Bankruptcy and its Flaws

  28. 健全企业破产制度维护商业银行权益

    Amplify Bankruptcy System of Enterprise Protect Rights and Interests of Commercial Bank

  29. 企业破产管理人法律地位评析

    The Evaluation of the Legal Position of Administrant of a Bankrupt Enterprise

  30. 企业破产立法目标的争论及其评价

    A Review on the Debates about the Legislative Aims of Bankruptcy Law